

Canvas doesn't currently offer a specific tool for creating fillable checklists for students. Below are several solutions. 

Creating Checklists

Option 1 - Canvas Quiz or Survey

Use a Canvas Quiz or Survey to create a checklist for students. Students can open the survey and mark off items as they complete them. The survey will save their work and when it is complete they can submit it.

Click the following links to see two examples:

Check-list Quiz in Canvas

How do I create a Canvas Quiz? Links to an external site.
How do I create a Canvas survey? Links to an external site. 

Option 2 - Mark as Done in Modules

Example module with mark as done checkmarks
Checkmarks show students what they have completed

Create a module with requirements and use the Mark as Done feature. On the students' Modules page it will show them which items they have viewed or completed using a checkmark.


How do I add a requirement to a module? Links to an external site.



Option 3 - Embedded Google Form

Create a Google form that can then be embedded on a Canvas page. Students can fill-out the form and submit it. Keep in mind that the form will not save the student's answers so they'll have to keep it open until they have completed all items.

Below is an example of a checklist using an embedded Google Form. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create the Google Form (How to Links to an external site.)
  2. Copy the embed code once the form is complete (click "Send" from the Google Form and select "embed" or "< >" to access the code)
  3. Paste the embed code on a Canvas page using the Insert/Edit Media Tool Links to an external site.


Checklist for Topic 2.4 Example

Complete the items below as you complete them for Topic 2.4.

Do not leave this page until you have checked off each item and submitted the form (the items you check will not be saved once you leave the page).