Modules Example


Modules are a great way to organize your course. Content can be arranged in a sequential order or by topic. By using Modules all of the course content can be placed in one location for easy access. 



The example course (you are currently in) uses modules to divide content into categories that are specific to course design and development.

>> To view the Modules, click on the Modules tab in the left navigation. 

For a traditional on-campus or online course the modules area of Canvas might be used to organize and place content into different Units, Topics, and/or Lessons.

Often times, the module layout is based on the course schedule, and each module represents one week of the course (in a traditional 16 week semester). 

>> Once modules are created readings, lectures, learning activities, assignments, etc. can be placed within the modules.

Here is an example of a Canvas Module with Content:



Below is another example of a module with a large amount of content placed in an organized structure. This is a Unit Module and it is broken into Lessons using text headers Links to an external site.

Screen shot of an example module with lessons, presentations, videos, and other content.