Syllabus (Example)
This is an example syllabus. It contains the recommended items for a syllabus.
It is divided into the following categories:
- Instructor Information
- Course Description
- Required Materials
- Grading Policy
- Assignments Overview
- Course and University Policies
- University Resources
CAS 1234 - CAS Course Title
Instructor: Name
Communications: Communications will be accomplished primarily through Canvas and by email. All pertinent student emails will be answered within 24- 48 hours of their arrival, unless prior notice of a delayed response is provided. For a quicker response please put the course prefix and number in the subject line (e.g., CAS 1234: Question about the Syllabus).
Email Account and Canvas: Students are expected to check their OU email accounts and the course site on Canvas daily for updates from the instructor. You will need to be sure to do the following:
- Set up your default email address so you can reply to email directly from Canvas.
- Set your profile photo Links to an external site. as well and make sure to set up your Canvas notifications.
- Update the Display Name in your Canvas profile so we know what you prefer to be called!
- It is also recommended that you download and install the Canvas Mobile app for your device for on-the-go access to course materials, schedule, and communications.
Office hours: With advanced notice, phone or video conferencing appointments for office hours can be made when needed.
Course Description:
Add course description here
Course Delivery Method:
This course is delivered completely online. Assignments and activities will be listed on and will be facilitated via the Canvas course management system. Available online at:
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Outcome One.
- Outcome Two.
- Outcome Three.
Required Materials:
- Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication(if published before 1900), Publisher, Publication Date.
- Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication(if published before 1900), Publisher, Publication Date.
- Film Title (Year).
How it can be accessed (e.g., library, Netflix, iTunes, Amazon Prime, etc. Provide link.)
Required Software:
You will need to have reliable daily internet access on your computer to access course documents and submit your work. (Please see the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Student Online Orientation if you need assistance with Canvas.)
Required Hardware:
This course will require you to have a webcam and/or mic to complete some of the course assignments.
Points Breakdown:
There are a total of ____ points possible in the course. Here is the point breakdown:
Discussion Posts | ____ points (____ discussions x ____ points each) |
Papers | ____ points |
Quizzes | ____ points (____ papers x ____ points each) |
Final | ____ points |
Final Presentation | ____ points |
Grading Scale:
A = 90% - 100% (900-1000 points)
B = 80% -89% (800-899 points)
C = 70% - 79% (700-799 points)
D = 60% -69% (600-699 points)
F = Below 60% (below 600 points)
Criteria for Evaluation:
Substantive content and the quality of the student's writing will be considered in all written assignments, including discussion board postings. Substantive content includes closely following instructions for the content of the assignment. Quality of writing covers clarity of expression and organization, appropriate use of references and academic writing style, use of inclusive language, and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Turn-around for Grades:
The turn-around time for grades is as follows. For short assignments such as discussions, 5-7 days. For medium-length assignments such as unit reflection assignments, 7-10 days
Feedback & Comments on Assignments:
Feedback and comments for turned in written assignments can be found by clicking the assignment in the grade book, locating the assignment and clicking on it, and then clicking the "View Feedback” link to see any annotated comments the instructor may have put on your submission. The comments appear in the right-hand column. More information and visuals can be found here
Links to an external site..
Course Assignments:
Assignment instructions, details, and due dates will be posted in Canvas. It is your responsibility to make sure that all assignments are submitted correctly and on time, according to the assignment instructions. Any assignments not submitted correctly or on time will be considered late.
List assignments
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
Extra Credit:
List extra credit
[] Late Work: Except in cases of documented serious illness or documented emergency no late work will be accepted. Technical difficulties do not qualify as an emergency unless the problem is severe, prolonged, and on the server end (the problem is with Canvas). In such cases, the due date will be modified and a new due date specified. Expect technical difficulties on your own end and make arrangements for a secondary location from which to post and/or an alternative Internet Service Provider.
[] Posting Difficulties: Files which do not post correctly in the assignments area or responses which do not correctly post on the discussion board will not be accepted for a grade. If your file does not post (you are timed out, for example), becomes corrupted, contains a virus, or if your response is blank/partial, you should re-post prior to the deadline so that you may receive a grade. Always check to see that your response or file has correctly posted before you exit Canvas. Be sure to post in advance so that you have enough time to correct for any posting difficulties.
[] Academic Integrity: Cheating is strictly prohibited at the University of Oklahoma, because it devalues the degree you are working hard to get. As a member of the OU community it is your responsibility to protect your educational investment by knowing and following the rules. Absolutely no incidences of academic misconduct will be tolerated in this course. See the Academic Integrity website for more information.
[] Special Accommodations: Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent the full demonstration of his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunities. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Disability Resource Center prior to receiving accommodations in this course.
Students requiring academic accommodation should contact the Disability Resource Center, located in the University Community Center, 730 College Ave., for assistance at (405) 325-3852 or TDD: (405) 325-4173. For more information please see the Disability Resource Center website
[] Religious Holidays: It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from religious observances and to provide without penalty for the rescheduling of examinations and additional required class work that may fall on religious holidays.
Since online courses allow students to complete course work around their unique schedules, and because you are given assignments well in advance of their due dates, most religious holidays should not conflict with the class schedule for this course. However, if you do have plans to observe a religious holiday, please notify your instructor as soon as possible in order to make appropriate arrangements for class work or rescheduling of assignments.
[] Adjustments for Pregnancy/Childbirth Related Issues: Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on temporary disability. Please see for commonly asked questions.
[] Title IX Resources: For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24.7, counseling services, mutual no contact orders, scheduling adjustments and disciplinary sanctions against the perpetrator. Please contact the Sexual Misconduct Office 405-325-2215 (8-5, M-F) or OU Advocates 405-615-0013 (24.7) to learn more or to report an incident.
[] Incompletes: The OU Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences advises its faculty to be very strict about the conditions under which a student is allowed to take an incomplete in a regularly scheduled, letter-graded course. A grade of Incomplete (I) will be given only for a justifiable reason (due to unavoidable circumstances, not lack of planning on the student's part) and only if the student is passing the course. It is the responsibility of the student to request a grade of "I" and to meet with the instructor as early as possible to determine requirements for completing the course. Any incomplete granted must be removed by the deadline specified by the instructor. The time limit set for removal of an incomplete will take into account the circumstances of the situation but may not exceed one calendar year.
[] Final Exam Preparation Period: Pre-finals week will be defined as the seven calendar days before the first day of finals. Faculty may cover new course material throughout this week. For specific provisions of the policy please refer to OU’s Final Exam Preparation Period policy ( ).
Sessions and lectures of this course may be recorded or live-streamed. These recordings are the intellectual property of the individual faculty member and may not be shared or reproduced without the explicit, written consent of the faculty member. In addition, privacy rights of others such as students, guest lecturers, and providers of copyrighted material displayed in the recording may be of concern. Students may not share any course recordings with individuals not enrolled in the class or upload them to any other online environment.
Provided by OU’s Tribal Liaison office:
Long before the University of Oklahoma was established, the land on which the University now resides was the traditional home of the “Hasinais” Caddo Nation and “Kirikirʔi:s” Wichita & Affiliated Tribes.
We acknowledge this territory once also served as a hunting ground, trade exchange point, and migration route for the Apache, Comanche, Kiowa and Osage nations. Today, 39 tribal nations dwell in the state of Oklahoma as a result of settler and colonial policies that were designed to assimilate Native people. The University of Oklahoma recognizes the historical connection our university has with its indigenous community. We acknowledge, honor and respect the diverse Indigenous peoples connected to this land. We fully recognize, support and advocate for the sovereign rights of all of Oklahoma’s 39 tribal nations. This acknowledgement is aligned with our university’s core value of creating a diverse and inclusive community. It is an institutional responsibility to recognize and acknowledge the people, culture and history that make up our entire OU Community.
Below is a list of resources OU provides to help you succeed in your studies. If you are not familiar with any of these services, make sure to click each link below so you will know what is available to you.
Library: OU Libraries
Writing Center: OU Writing Center
Technical Assistance: OU IT Service Desk