How to be Successful in this Course
Whether you're new to online learning or you're a pro, every course has its own structure, pace, and types of activities. The following are some tips or strategies that will help you be successful in this course.
Establish a routine
Look through the syllabus, calendar, and module layout, and establish a routine. Take time to get familiar with the routine of the class, and schedule your own work time accordingly, ideally multiple times during the week.
Each week, you should allow:
- 4-5 hours to read the assigned texts, cases, and/or articles. Be sure to read actively, take notes, and regularly review your notes before joining the Live Sessions, and attempting the quizzes and exams.
- 2-3 hours to watch the video lectures and take notes.
- 2 hours each week to complete the quizzes, write up the case briefs, and post pre-session questions.
- 2 hours to participate in the weekly Live Sessions on Zoom
You should allow a total of 10-12 hours per week (or about 2 hours per day). Please note that you will be required to submit all quizzes, assignments, and questions before noon on Thursdays. This will allow your instructor time to briefly review your submissions ahead of the Live Session. But don't wait until the last minute to finish everything. Pace yourself. Research has shown that distributing your study throughout the week, and regularly reviewing learning materials can lead to better recall and improved learning gains over students who opted for fewer, more intensive study sessions.
Live Sessions
Each Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm (Central), you will be required to attend a virtual class in real time on Zoom. You can join the session by clicking on the Zoom icon on the Live Session page in each module. If you are new to Zoom, you may want to check out these tutorial videos (Links to an external site.) ahead of time.
Your attendance and participation (and pre-session questions) will count toward your final grade.
Your attendance and participation (and pre-session questions) will count toward your final grade. There are two ways in which you can earn points for the Live Session.
1. Participate Live: This option should be your preferred choice. When possible, you should attend and participate in the Live Sessions in real time. To get credit and track your attendance, type in the date and time in the text box of the Live Session page by clicking on the red "Submit Assignment" button at the top of the Live Sessions page. (Your log in can be cross-checked against the attendance tracker in Zoom.)
2. Make-Up (Watch Recording-Submit Written Summary): In the event your work or personal schedule makes it impossible for you to attend, please review the recording of the Live Session then write a paragraph summarizing the Live Session from your perspective. To receive credit, you must submit your assignment before the next Live Session.
Note: Be sure to utilize option 1 or 2 for each of the Live Sessions to receive full points. Regardless of when the session occurred, you must post your response based on option 1 or 2.
Etiquette for Live Sessions
- Arrive promptly, as you would in a traditional, bricks-and-mortar classroom. If you join the online meeting late, you can distract other students, annoy your instructor, and miss valuable information. Strive to be on time.
- Dress appropriately. Nobody wants to see you in your bathrobe or pajamas. Trust us.
- Choose a good spot. Noisy environments and crowded places are likely to distract you and the others in the class.
- Give the Live Session your full attention. Treat it like you would a face-to-face class. Take notes during the lecture, ask questions, and participate in all activities. Be disciplined and fully engage. Avoid doing other work, playing games, or visiting other sites during the Live Sessions.
- If you have a question during the presentation or demo, please turn your settings to private and send a direct message to the instructor.
- If possible, please refrain from eating during the Live Session.
Technical Considerations for Live Sessions
- Make sure your device is plugged in and/or fully charged.
- Make sure the camera focused on you is set up at a good angle. Weird angles can become distracting to others.
- Shut down any irrelevant programs on your device so you (and others) are not distracted by them during the Live Session.
- If possible, invest in a good quality, noise-cancelling headset.
- Turn off or mute your microphone when you are not speaking. Otherwise, your mic will pick up background noise, which can make it difficult for others to hear what's happening in the Live Session.
- If virtual meetings are new for you, you may want to check out Zoom's site for a series of helpful videos. (Links to an external site.)
For tech problems, contact OU IT by email: or by phone: (405) 325-HELP. Post in the Course Help Board with general questions about assignments, logistics, due dates, etc... or send me a private message with personal questions about grades, feedback, or requests for special accommodation.
All email I send to you will be sent to the email registered in your name at the University of Oklahoma. If you wish to also receive course emails at another email address, go to your profile in Canvas and add 1 or more alternate emails to your account.