RESOURCES: Course Materials

Required Textbook Materials

Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach (11th edition) by Messier, Glover, and Prawitt, McGraw-Hill-Irwin (US version required). Older editions will not be acceptable.

You must have a Connect access code to complete the homework for class. You can purchase the electronic version of the book and Connect directly from the publisher’s website (through Canvas). Once you have purchased the Connect access code, you should register for Connect through Canvas. 

Required Project Materials

Systems Understanding Aid (9th edition) by Arens and Ward, Armond Dalton

Required Scanning Technology

In this course, you will need to submit handwritten forms electronically. To do this, you'll need access to a scanner or download a free scanning app.

You can use any other scanner that you are familiar with. There are tutorials available for mobile scanners. Just sign in to with your OU email and password.  Once you register with LinkedInLearning, we suggest checking out the tutorials in the Going Paperless: Start to Finish course.  

Quality of Scan

Your handwriting should be legible and easy to understand (e.g., not too small, not too light, not too dense, not too close to the margin or cut off by the scan). I shouldn't have any difficulty interpreting your work. In addition, the technology you use to scan the submission (a scanner or scanning app for a smartphone or tablet) should effectively provide legible results. Any confusion in interpreting your work (whether the fault of the student or technology) will impact your grade. 

Test Your Technology in Advance

I highly recommend experimenting with your scanning solution in advance. Also, don't wait until the deadline to complete an assignment. Doing so puts you at risk of not getting credit for it if you have a technological problem and time expires before you can resolve the problem. It is incumbent upon you to plan for the unforeseen and get it done. You'll need to carefully plan your time to avoid these types of issues.