- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Live Session
Day(s): Every Monday
Time: 7:00-10:00 pm (Central)
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:
Please try to reach out to your team prior to our first Live Session. Read CAP Stage 1 assignment, and see if your team can select a company you would like to analyze this term. Your team can sign up on the CAP Team-Company List with your selection. Each team must choose a unique company; no two teams can analyze the same company. I will confirm whether your selected company meets the desired characteristics. I would like each team to select a unique company. Note the desired characteristics for your company on the CAP Stage 1 assignment.
This week, I will walk through the steps in Stage 1 of the Comprehensive Analysis Project (CAP). I'll be using Lowes as an example. If you have time, please download and skim their Annual and Financial Report before we meet.
Live Session Reference Materials
- Week 1
- P 1-48 Blank
- P 1-48 Solution
- P 2-51 Blank
- P 2-51 Solution
- Web Links Week 1
- Week 1 key takeaways
Recorded Session
Each of the Live Sessions is recorded. The video will be available after our Live Session.
There are two ways in which you can earn points for the Live Session. Remember, these Live Sessions will count toward your participation grade.
- Participate Live: This option should be your preferred choice. When possible, you should attend and participate in the Live Sessions in real-time. To get credit for your attendance, sign-in by clicking on the red "Submit Assignment" button at the top of this page and then type in the date and time you join the Zoom session. Your login will be cross-checked against the attendance tracker in Zoom.
- Make-Up (Watch Recording and Submit Response): In the event that your work or personal schedule makes it impossible for you to attend the Live Session, please review the recording and then write a one-page summary of key takeaways from the recorded session. Click on the "Submit Assignment" button to type (or copy/paste) your summary into the text field, or upload a document. Don't worry if the system indicates that your submission is late; I can adjust that manually. You will have until the next Live Session to submit your written response. You will NOT be able to submit it after 6:45 pm the following Monday.
If you cannot meet with your team during this week's Live Session, you will be required to complete this stage of the CAP project on your own. Before you attempt the assignment, you'll need to review the recording of the Live Session. In it, I will guide you through each step of this week's CAP stage.
Note: Be sure to utilize option 1 or 2 for each of the Live Sessions to receive full points. Regardless of when the session occurred, you must post your response based on option 1 or 2.