Decide On A Medium For Your Summary of Learning
- Due Dec 1, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 2
- Submitting a website url
This artifact can be completed in whatever medium you wish: graphic, video, presentation, etc. The only requirement is that it needs to be able to be embedded or linked to on your blog once its completed.
I’ve included some ideas are below (hint: I really like the idea of a video), but you are NOT limited to choosing one of these. The more CREATIVE the better. Videos need to stay around 3 minutes long.
Once you have chosen a medium, write a blog post describing your plan of attack for completing this project. What is the medium? What tools will you need? What will be your process for completing this assignment? Do you have further research to do and could you take advantage of processes in which we learned about this semester such as the Analysis-Synthesis Bridge Model? Links to an external site.. Tag your post Summary of Learning. Submit the blog post URL to complete the assignment.
Summary of Learning Ideas
1. Design an infographic using Canva Links to an external site.. (required to do screencast explaining it)
2. Design a direct mailer recruiting someone to PR Pubs in InDesign. (required to do screencast explaining it)
3. Create a movie trailer with iMovie Links to an external site. and share it on YouTube Links to an external site..
4. Use a phone app such as Silent Film Studio Links to an external site. to create a video.
5. Build an interactive story Links to an external site. with Google Docs.
Example Here Links to an external site.
6. Create an animation (easily!) with GoAnimate Links to an external site. or Digital Films Links to an external site..
7. Create a peanut gallery Links to an external site. film.