Submit your domain / blog URL
- Due Sep 1, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 2
- Submitting a website url
For this class you are required to maintain a domain and blog, which will become a portfolio by the end of the semester. You may already have a blog (great!) and it’s absolutely okay to use that, but my strong recommendation would be getting an actual domain (.com, .org, .net) if you don’t have that already. With you can purchase a domain for $12/year or you can use a free subdomain ( Whatever you want is up to you. You’ll see attached to this page a video on how to setup WordPress on a domain via, a service which is provided to you as student at the University of Oklahoma. WordPress is a free, highly popular, open source blogging platform. You can also use a commercial host such as Reclaim Hosting Links to an external site. or Lithium Hosting Links to an external site..
Below are two videos. One walks your through how to sign up with OU Create and the other shows you how to install WordPress. Take about half an hour and complete these tutorials. You can also read more on WordPress on the OU Create support documentation page.
Once you have decided on a platform and built your blog, submit the url below (ex:,,