
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 21 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Blog Rubric (1)
Blog Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Blog Title
threshold: pts
3 pts
The blog title made me excited to engage with the blog post.
2 pts
The blog is titled but was generic
1 pts
The blog title is non descriptive.
3 pts
threshold: pts
3 pts
Two to five high quality images are included and are properly attributed.
2 pts
One image is included
0 pts
No links
3 pts
threshold: pts
3 pts
Text effectively covers your topic in an exciting manner.
2 pts
The text is ok but lacks creativity or potentially drifts off topic.
1 pts
The text is basic. As I reader, I wasn't excited to read it.
3 pts
Spelling and Grammar
threshold: pts
3 pts
0 - 1 errors in your post.
2 pts
1 - 5 errors in your post.
0 pts
5+ errors in your post.
3 pts
threshold: pts
3 pts
Two to five links to either external resources or previous blog posts were included.
2 pts
One link to an external resource or previous blog post was included
0 pts
No links
3 pts
threshold: pts
3 pts
Student uses first person. Instructor can tell this was his/her blog just by the words.
2 pts
Instructor could occasionally hear students voice by words.
1 pts
Blog did not feel like had an author's voice at all.
3 pts
Total Points: 18 out of 18