Blog Post: Build a Communications Strategy
- Due Sep 22, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 1
- Submitting a website url
Moving on in our hike across the Analysis-Synthesis Bridge Model, we are going to now move to the upper right hand quadrant.
Create a new blog post. For this blog post, I want you to try to “destructure” what you know about writing so far. Have you taken off your super professional writer hat? Good. Now, put on your brainstorming hat. With this post, you have permission to be brief and sloppy! I want you to really ideate and write as many ideas down as you consider the following questions: What kind of visual language will you use? Will the visuals be type or image driven? What do the type and images need to mean? What connotations do they need to have?As you make your way these questions, begin to visualize your business card, what it looks like, and the message it sends when someone hands it out.
Once you have published your blog post, submit the blog post URL to complete the assignment.