Unit 5.1 Introduction
Lesson 5.1 begins Design Project #4 and we’re going back to our roots: InDesign.
Design Project #4 is about designing a newsletter, so we’ll be focusing on how to create long-form documents within InDesign.
Project Requirements:
- Three pages (minimum)
- Four complete stories (minimum) (Stories do not have to be original! In fact I *encourage* you to find stories that are listed in the news section of the company or organization website and adapt them to fit the newsletter.
The newsletter must include:
- One nameplate
- Headlines (for every article)
- Deck (for every article)
- Bylines (for every article)
- Photos (one per article)
- Caption (one per photo)
- At least one pull quote
- At least one jump article
- At least one article must have subheads
Don’t remember what any of these mean? Refer to the Typesetting Assignment we did way back during Bootcamp.