The Wisdom Wall
Below is advice from former Pubsters who took time to write you a little note. If you are just about to get started in this course, it would be helpful to read through these entirely. Some comments are very practical and others are simply good life advice. Either way, it's helpful to get a perspective of one of your own!
Fall 2016
Hello PR Publications newbies! Welcome to the most fun and creative class in Gaylord, you are so lucky to get to take this course. Three things I want to address/give pieces of advice on before I get all sentimental at the end:
1. Start no later than three days in advance. "But Jess, I'm a serial procrastinator with incredible design skills already, I don't need three days." Yes. You. Do. Every time I started a project less than three days before it was due it turned out less than the way I wanted it to, and when I did stuff starting early, gave myself a couple days to revisit with fresh eyes and re-design, it turned out awesome and I can actually use it in my portfolio so, boomer.
2. Use color. I am a super simple person when it comes to what I wear and what I decorate with, and its almost always black white and gray. This is not the class for black white and gray. Use your colors, think outside the box, really push yourself to create something that is eye-catching and exciting, you'll thank yourself for it later when you have an incredibly bright and aesthetically pleasing portfolio.
3. Have someone else look at your work before you turn it in. It's really helpful to have a set of eyes that aren't yours look at your work and catch the little things that you've been staring at for 6 hours. Get some perspective in the form of a roommate/mother/father/stranger/fellow collegiate.
This class will teach you stuff you will use for the rest of your life and your career, for real learn as much as you can and take it seriously. You won't ever regret taking this course!!
Hello students of Professor Croom's PR Pubs class!
As a student who took this course in the fall of 2016, I would have to say I have definitely learned a lot. My one piece of advice for you'll is to NOT GIVE UP! No matter what. I started this course extremely nervous and intimidated because I didn't know one thing about InDesign or Photoshop. Re-watch, re-watch and re-watch Lynda videos! This was honestly how I learned to use these two softwares. Event though the first design project took me a long time to complete and my first draft was awful, I never gave up. After just messing around and looking up videos on how to do something, I became very comfortable with using InDesign and Photoshop. By the end of the semester, this was by far my favorite class!
You'll are lucky to be taking this course with Professor Croom. He is a great teacher who is always ready and available to help at any moment.
Best of luck!
~Annie Barraza
Don't be afraid to go for it! If you're anything like me, I came into this course with no design experience. Photoshop and InDesign terrified me and as I began my first assignment, I felt like it was impossible. So watch the tutorial videos. And then watch them again. I promise it helps and you'll learn your stuff! You're going to need to learn how to use these applications throughout the course, so really take the time to learn them. Leave yourself plenty of time to work of assignments. Some weeks you'll fly through and others will take up a substantial amount of time. But if you embrace the process and work hard, it'll all pay off! Not only did I have fun, but I impressed myself and learned a new skill set. Good luck!
I have learned the more practical skills in this class than in any other Gaylord class that I have taken. Photoshop and InDesign were programs that I always felt like I needed to learn, but never actually got around to figuring it out. My advice would be to actually sit down and take the time to learn about the software. DO NOT try and take shortcuts because you designs won't look right and it honestly makes it harder as the class progresses. Start the big design assignments as soon as the assignment is opened. The more time that you have to complete your design (that way you can walk away from it for a little while, then come back and refine) the better. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help. Things can be confusing and no one expects you to be an expert right away. Good luck!
My advice is to not get too frustrated while working on a project. It can be hard trying to learn how to use Photoshop and InDesign if you haven't used it before. You will get more familiar with them as the class goes on but definitely don't be afraid to Google something you don't know how to do. Another piece of advice I would give is to make sure you set out enough time to work on your projects. Projects can be time consuming, so always make sure you have enough time to make something you are proud of. I also always finished my project, then looked over it again the next day with a fresh perspective. This class is so fun! Make the most out of it!
Whew! Congratulations on making it to PR Pubs!
Be prepared to learn a lot and have fun while doing it! This course will really help you if you need experience with design or want to work with design in the future. I personally didn’t expect to learn as much I did in the course but am so happy I had to take this course especially with Croom.
My biggest advice to you is to make sure you never wait until the last minute to do any of your assignments. Let’s face it. You are a college student with a lot going on and you may forget if you put things off to the last minute and your big projects need TIME. Trust me. I made the mistake of waiting until the last minute to work on a big assignment once and it was no fun. It actually stressed me out and I don’t like being stressed. I know no one else does either.
Happy Pubbing!
- Kadijah Hill, Class of 2017
This class isn't as intimidating as it seems. I had absolutely no experience in design before this class, but I still was able to do really well and learn a lot without feeling overwhelmed. Don't let yourself feel like you're out of your league, because if I can do it, anyone can! One thing I was worried about coming into this class was paying for the applications. It is a little pricey. If you're worried about that, you should definitely think about using the computers at Gaylord! I thought I would be spending all of my time there if I did that, but it's really not the case. They are a great resource. So don't fear about money or about difficulty, you will really enjoy this class. Good luck!
- Toni
Hi friends and welcome to PR Pubs!!
Get excited because this class will put your creative skills to the test! Do not be discouraged by the online version. It is OKAY if you do not understand something at first. Each assignment will get easier for you and you will have plenty of opportunities to improve your skills. My biggest advice to give you is set aside more than enough time to work on your projects. If a design or idea isn’t working then start over. This is the time to really understand how a PR practitioner works so really utilize your time!! Happy experimenting!
What’s up?
From past experience, I know there are two types of people reading this Wisdom Wall post. The first is a person who will skim over a couple of them, get just enough info the write their blog post and they’ll leave (that person will never read this Wisdom Wall post because this one looks way too long). The second is someone who will read at least half of these, and take the advice to heart. If we’re being honest, most people are the first one; however, if we were all like the second person, this class would be a lot more exciting. To get the most out of PR Pubs all you have to do is think about one word whenever you sit down to do assignments: “try”. These three letters are the key to success because if you try every time you sit down, you will learn more than you have learned in almost any other PR class. We learn so much in this class. Whether it is how to even freaking use InDesign to how to do target market analysis, if you try just a tiny bit every day, you will walk out of this class with an incredibly strong understanding of how PR works. So, from someone who has been through this class… try. You will only help yourself.
-Jonathan Rogers
My biggest piece of advice is "don't get discouraged." The programs you will use in this class will take time to learn and understand. You aren't supposed to be a master at them right from the start. This class is meant for trial and error. Professor Croom wants to see that we are trying and learning from our mistakes. Also, go to office hours and ask questions it helps a lot.
Alright so get ready to learn a lot and get ready to be stressed out a lot. I learned so much about design in a short amount of time and you will too. Be prepared to spend time on these assignments though. This isn't a class where you can start an assignment a couple hours before its due and turn in something that is going to impress. You have to spend time on these assignments. There will be times where you think you finish an assignment but realize you can design something better so you start from scratch. There will also be times where you aren't very happy with what you're turning in because you feel like you can do better. But at the end of the day, as long as you give it your best shot and put in the time that this course you requires, you will succeed! Good luck!
At the beginning of this class, I had no idea how to use various programs you will soon be introduced to. For example, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign.
By the end of this class, I feel extremely knowledgeable about these programs! Basically what I am trying to say is that if at first you don't succeed...try, try, try, AND..try again. The key is practice. The key is also do NOT procrastinate. Give yourself a good four or five day advance on assignments! With enough practice, time dedication and commitment, you soon will become a pro.
Have a blast with this class because it is all about creation and using your mind! Design the unknown and use emotion with the pieces you create. You will surprise yourself with what you are capable of.
The last thing, do not ever get discouraged! There will be times you want to, but I promise you it will all unfold itself and a bright light will come on!
Good luck! :)
My PR Pubs experience has been extremely rewarding, and I have learned a lot. Do not take this course for granted and halfway do your work! The real learning comes with early planning and time. Take your time on your projects and create something you will be proud to have in your portfolio. I didn't always take time to do work to the best of my abilities, and I regret procrastinating some assignments now. Things will sneak up on you if you do not hop on the assignments!
Adam is extremely understanding and encourages creativity, so don't be afraid to go for it. This course is extremely fun if you want it to be (it was my favorite).
For this class you should put in what you want to get out of it. By that I mean, if you don't want to become better at graphic designs and the software, then by all means, just do the bare minimum and get through it. But if you are looking to become better at the things this class teaches, then you should spend a lot of time working on the projects, and editing your projects. You will get out of the class what you put into it. And if you want to do a certain job when you graduate, then focus solely on that type of design when you can. The best thing you can do for yourself if to have an overall focus of what you want to get out of the class, that will make you put in the right amount of work for you, and design the kinds of things you want to design.
I really enjoyed this class, and I think that you will too! I think that my best advice would be to just take it slow (but not too slow because you have deadlines!). When looking at a project for the first time, I always took a day (or two, or three) to let ideas churn in my head... I never just jumped right into a project! If you do, that's great! I am just not the type of person who can just jump right in, I need time to think. I think that this also allowed me to be realistic with my designs. I would think about it for a while and consider thing like: "Okay what if I did this? Would I be able to finish it the way I would want to? In the time frame that I have?"... SO, that is my advice to you. Just let it sink in for a while and think about what you are going to need for each project. Do you need to watch a few tutorials? Do you need to look up examples of other designs? Just don't be afraid to think through each assignment! Good luck, you're going to do great!! -Megan
Be ready, this course WILL challenge you. In more ways than one. But, don't be afraid. You are in very good hands with Adam. My first piece of advice to you would be TAKE NOTES DURING BOOTCAMP WEEK, you'll be happy you did later. Also, do not, do not, DO NOT wait until the last minute to start any project that you are assigned. That is the best way to raise your stress levels higher than they need to be for this course. Lastly, don't restrain yourself. You are more creative than you think you are.
You've got this.
Go be great.
Hi future PR Pubsters!
Here is some advice for you all about this class. As you will soon find out PR Publications takes a lot of work. You will be thrown into the design world. I promise you that multiple times throughout the semester you will want to pull your hair out and give up. DON'T! When you reach this point in the semester just remember how far you have come and keep going. You will feel so amazing after you submit that one incredible project and you will want to keep designing. So just hold in there when things get tough.
My honest bit of advice would be to make sure you give yourself enough time to complete each assignment. If you're anything like me, you might try to do all of the weeks work the night it's due. Some weeks it was possible, but other weeks it didn't work. I would occasionally find myself rushing to turn all of the assignments in which meant I wasn't able to go back and fix a mistake or change something I didn't like. I had to turn it in the way it was or miss the deadline. So I would encourage you to take the time to start a little earlier, and as a result, turn in something that you are proud of/ happy with and still have time to spare. Stressing out is never fun.
If you're new to using publication software like I was, the class will seem very daunting at first. Dont let it scare you though! The biggest advice that I can give is learn how to use the undo button well. This was an invaluable tool to me. I would try several things over and over again until I got it right, and trust me, it took me several tries.
Another piece of advice is to start on the projects early. Nothing is too difficult, but sometimes you might find a project more challenging than others. It is helpful to have a little extra time to work on those challenges that you might face.
Well, you're in PR what???
I'll tell you what not to do first. Don't wait until Thursday to do your assignment because I promise you that no matter how simple it may sound, it is not. The prices of learning each application that we use is time consuming and very frustrating if you don't give yourself ample time to walk away when you're ready to throw your computer. Also, just don't wait until the last minute in general because something could go wrong, you'll have to go get some sort of outside something you didn't foresee like maybe a photo or a newspaper, etc.
On the other hand, you should be as creative as possible. Don't let the assignment at hand bog you down. Sit back and just think of something that you would want to see or what would persuade you to do something. Also, it helps if when you choose your clients that you actually enjoy them in one way or another. It is those key personal touches that make the assignment unique to you and it makes it that much more fun to do.
Hey PR Pubsters!
This class is awesome, and you're really going to learn a lot. My piece of advice is to give yourself double the amount of time to complete your designs than you think you are going to need. It's easy to push this class to the bottom of your to-do list, but try to refrain from that! Putting your best effort into these designs is really going to pay off, trust me. Not only will you learn more, but you are more likely to end up with designs you can actually put in your portfolio. Plus, being able to add a few more skills to your resume is always a plus!
There are so many things I can say about PR Pubs, but I think the most important is to prioritize your time! Please do not do what I did several times and wait until the day before a project was due to start it. Trust me, you will regret it. These projects take time and if you want to do a god job and show your best work, you'll need to give yourself enough time to do so. I also encourage you to push through the course. It'll feel awful at times, and there will be days where you'll question if everything is worth it, but IT IS! The feeling you'll get once you've accomplished or learned something new is amazing. So don't give up! Everything will get easier and you'll wish you could learn more by the end of the course.
This class has been one of my favorite PR classes. I felt like I actually LEARNED how to use different design mediums. It's really cool because by the end of the semester, you'll definitely have a favorite one.
One piece of advice that is super important is don't procrastinate. It's so tempting to let this class fall on the back-burner because it is online, but seriously don't. You'll create so many things that you will want to use for your portfolio so try your best- not just for Mr. Croom and yourself but also for your future EMPLOYER. Best regards- you'll love the class!
I really enjoyed this class, and I think that you will too! I think that my best advice would be to just take it slow (but not too slow because you have deadlines!). When looking at a project for the first time, I always took a day (or two, or three) to let ideas churn in my head... I never just jumped right into a project! If you do, that's great! I am just not the type of person who can just jump right in, I need time to think. I think that this also allowed me to be realistic with my designs. I would think about it for a while and consider thing like: "Okay what if I did this? Would I be able to finish it the way I would want to? In the time frame that I have?"... SO, that is my advice to you. Just let it sink in for a while and think about what you are going to need for each project. Do you need to watch a few tutorials? Do you need to look up examples of other designs? Just don't be afraid to think through each assignment! Good luck, you're going to do great!! -Megan
As I read the wisdom wall at the beginning of this semester, I was overcome with expectations. I doubted my abilities to learn Photoshop and InDesign because even as a junior in college, I had never done anything besides write. This was my first true experience with designing and creating projects from scratch. Although the first couple assignments were challenging, I found myself progressively growing and overcoming obstacles, becoming more and more familiar with the programs. Towards the middle of the semester, I felt like I had finally mastered each program as well as the tools. I watched my assignments evolve into more personal, creative and detailed reflections of my dedication. Overall, it was a continuously rewarding feeling as I completed each design project. Even though the assignments seemed to get more challenging, I grew as a student every single week.
My advice to anyone taking this course is to be a sponge! Learn everything you can and have fun with it. Don't be afraid to utilize every bit of creativity you have and don't ever hesitate to incorporate your personality. After all, that's the beauty of this course; you are finally given the opportunity to take a break from writing papers. You have the ability to be artistic and build up a creative portfolio to be proud of if you take advantage of what this course offers you! Don't ever give up and enjoy the knowledgeable and fun experience you are about to endure!
Students before Fall 2016....
Start. Just start somewhere. There is a creative element involved in so much of the course, that it is easy to feel stumped before you even begin. Oftentimes I would focus on what my final layout would look like without enjoying the process-- I can't tell you how harmful this was to my design. Through the process, you WILL ultimately shift the screenshot in your head so I recommend you hold a loose visual of what you're expecting it to look like; this way, you can reenergize yourself and your vision as you go step by step. Your finalized project will be better than expected.
Dear Future PR Pubs Experimenters,
When I came into this class, I didn't know what to expect. The only photoshop experience I had was one time I put D. Bo's head on a Batman body. I couldn't even figure how to create an InDesign document.
But that all changed.
I'm here to tell you that your greatest asset in this class is the time you spend inside the programs. It's amazing how much you can learn by trial and error with design projects. Trust me, there's a whole lot of trial and a whole lot of error.
It's gets better.
I am asking you to tinker, to fiddle, to experiment, to delete and start over. Because, and thank goodness, when you finally get it right, you know it. You know that your design will achieve its objectives. And that feeling is amazing. To know that you have created something out of nothing and that it is good - that is when all of your time invested becomes worth it.
So all in all, put in the time, reap the rewards.
Happy experimenting!
Try and fail, try and fail, improvise, and try again. As much as you may think you can't master a project or a program, a little hard work will definitely help you succeed. Good luck, and video tutorials are your friend!
Design whatever you want to! The class gives you freedom to do your own work for your own companies so make sure you design something you are interested in or are passionate about. Your work will have more meaning and you'll care more about the class. Also, work outside of class on projects. It will advance your skills and help you in the end.
My piece of advice for future students is to be patient when taking this course. In this course you will learn a lot, but it is up to you to dedicate your time to using trial and error to perfect your designs and to become more familiar to each program we use. This is definitely one of those classes that will you will benefit from in the long run.
If an idea isn’t working, it’s okay to abandon that idea and start fresh with something new! Just play around until you find something you like. Designing is a process, you never know where it can take you. So just let ideas flow!
Do not be discouraged by the online version of this class. You will learn so much to help you become a skilled and knowledgeable PR practitioner. I definitely recommend the online version of this class!
Whether you are taking the class online or in-person, don't be afraid to ask Adam for help! He is super cool about it and he does a great job of offering suggestion without, like, hijacking the project for you. Most of the people in class don't have much experience with PhotoShop or InDesign, so there's no such thing as a bad question!
Don't be afraid to experiment with the design applications (Photoshop and InDesign). Sometimes the best ideas and work come from that exploration process. Also, look for inspiration (Pinterest, etc.) to guide your designs if you hit a creative wall.
If you're serious about design, read widely and realize everyone has something to teach you. You aren't going to summon the next killer layout, color scheme or punchy graphic through sheer willpower. You're going to borrow great ideas from smart people with way more talent than you (at least initially.) Check out sites like Smashing Magazine, siteinspire, Designer News, the Webby Awards, web creme, httpster, thebestdesigns and TypeWolf. Basically, seek out great work and soak up all you can. I remember Steve Jobs quoting some Picasso quip essentially saying, "Good artists copy, great artists steal." The point is to find exceptional work from exceptional people to borrow out-of-the-box thinking for your own stuff. Just be sure you understand why!
Welcome to PR Pubs friends,
First things first, CROOM IS AWESOME! Have no fear because you are in good hands. At first, PR Pubs can seem very overwhelming because you will be either a.) learning how to use new programs or b.) perfecting your design skills if you have used these programs before. If I had to give you all one piece of advice, I would advise you to be patient! I speak from personal experience when I say that the different assignments can provoke different emotions. I often felt overwhelmed, frustrated, confused and sometimes unsure of my designs. DO NOT OVERWHELM YOURSELF! Stay calm and do not be afraid to ask for help. Croom will always be helpful, honest and patient with you. He will answer any question you may have and he will take the time to explain everything to help you. Sometimes, the most frustrating part is not being able to implement your design vision. Remain patient and optimistic. Do not give up on your design or your vision. It will all come into light and it will get done…even if it is five minutes before the drop box closes. As long as you are patient with yourself and patient with the learning process, you will be just fine and you, too, will conquer the trials of PR Pubs! (kidding!)
This class is extremely beneficial and I wish you all the best!
The one piece of advice I would offer someone coming into this course is to not give up on your vision. If you have an idea for a project or if inspiration strikes you, stay true to your idea or inspiration. There are loads of tutorials on the internet and the Gaylord faculty is a great source of information if you should need assistance. Just have fun with the designs and the rest will come naturally.
My one piece of advice for the students of PR Pubs would be to not let the class overwhelm you in the beginning. It may look like a lot of work that needs to be completed at a first glance, but as long as you pace yourself and allow yourself the time to complete each assignment, you will definitely be successful. Best of luck!
You're going to be pissed, but let yourself be pissed and cry and stay up all night trying to learn these programs in the beginning. Trust me, coming from someone who can't even figure out how to do fancy things in a Word document, I learned so incredibly much and have survived the class. Not to mention I'm now comfortable doing work in in-Design. Let yourself get pissed, and struggle. But don't stop striving to be better and let your creative juices flow. You'll be proud in the end. Enjoy!
I would advise that you get started early. Procrastination is every students struggle but I was much happier with my designs when I gave myself significant time to rework my piece.
The best piece of advice that I can give you is to make this class a very high priority. The more time you spend working on it, the better work you can do. Don't forget to have fun, too!
Be patient and don't be too hard on yourself. Don't come into the class expecting to be a great designer automatically. Be open to suggestions and constructive criticism because there is always room for improvement.
For all you future students that are about to take PR Pubs, don't sweat it too much! This class is such a great learning experience and will be extremely helpful in your future career with Public Relations. Whenever it gets difficult, just be patient and don't be afraid to ask questions. Good luck!
You don't need to come in to the class being super worried about grading. I felt my work was always graded fairly this semester and I appreciate that Adam graded our work with our level of ability in mind.
I had to give one piece of advise to a student just starting PR Pubs, I would say not to stress! This class is about utilizing your creativity. When I first began this class I was worried about working with applications I've never used before, however, as long as you stay patient, you will be fine!
One piece of advice that I have for students coming into PR Pubs is that it is important to have an open mind and humble yourself. Everyone thinks that they are the most creative person in the class, but you can really learn from others and learn from yourself if you keep your head down and put in work.
This is one of the coolest classes I've taken here at OU and in Gaylord in specific.
Don't get too hung up on the details, they will work out! Keep the overall project goal in mind!
Schedule time everyday to work. This course takes a lot of time. The projects aren't projects you wait until the last minute to start. Designing takes time and you won't get it right the first time, so plan to work on each project LONGER than you would think.
Simply put, stay on top of your assignments. Don't put off your work until the last minute. The assignments in this class are a lot of fun, so once you start you will want to do a great job on each one, so give yourself ample time to complete everything to the best of your ability.
I would suggest that you take the time to watch all of the videos that are provided by the instructor. If you are not familiar with some of the software, the class may be kind of difficult for you and could cause you to fall behind in your work. I enjoyed taking the class over the summer but I wish that I had been able to have a whole semester to learn all of the necessary material. I feel like the time I had made it very difficult to fully learn what I needed to learn.
I would say don't be intimidated by Photoshop and In Design. I was afraid I was going to be awful at using both of the programs but it turns out they were both really fun and user friendly. You can do this!
Give yourself plenty of time to complete multiple drafts of projects and listen to your peer and instructor feedback!
Get out there and just do it! If you're not sure what you're doing, it never hurts to hit the ground running. All else fails, you have a whole class of people working alongside you as well as a cool professor who wants to help you do your best. You're gonna make it, I promise!
This may sound cliche, but pace yourself and prioritize accordingly. Also, do not feel intimated. At the beginning of this course I had NO clue what I was doing and I was so worried, but professor Croom and are your best friends! Those two resources are very helpful. is overwhelming at first, but it gets better.
If you are starting PR Pubs, there are a few things I would suggest. First...make time for your assignments! Leaving everything until last minute will NOT work out to your benefit. Designs take time, thinking, rethinking, and sometimes you will want to start from 0. This is vital to the learning process. Second...have fun with it! Its great to show your personality and gusto through design. Do what you want, as long as you dont stray too far off of the principles you learn then everything will be just fine!
Some advice I would give is to start your week's assignment early! Start it the weekend before it is due, rather than the Wednesday morning that it is actually due. It pays off to have things done early, and this way you won't be stressed to complete an assignment using a new software like Photoshop or InDesign within an hour! Overall, I loved this class and taking it online. I have learned so many things and can use my finalized publications to show during interviews for internships and jobs! Work hard in this class, it pays off!
I would advise setting aside two or three days in your week to work on the PR Pubs assignments. I would advise not to procrastinate and to give yourself enough time to complete the tasks for each week!
My best piece of advice for all future PR Pubs students is to check whats due during the weekend! Some weeks you will only have a few assignments to get through and other weeks you will have a ton! So it is important that you check early in the week so that you can have an action plan! My second piece of advice is to remember that it is okay to start over. Never get to set on a design, when you are open to new ideas and changes you can constantly make better changes! Most of all have fun! This is a class where you get to be creative and original, so take advantage of that!
Stay on top of your assignments. Do not cheat your learning abilities just to make an assignment deadline. Pubs and design is truly is about "the process," for each assignment builds on top of the next and the more familiar you become with a design tool the more idea will flow for your next creative piece.
Don't get discouraged. 99.99% of the time your design isn't going to turn out exactly how you pictured in your head, but sometimes that can be a good thing! You'll end up creating designs you hate, designs you're just okay with and designs that you LOVE. Spend time (lots of time) on each assignment and keep working at it until you create something you never thought possible!
Definitely start on the assignments as soon as you can! It was so much easier to have something to craft throughout the week instead of doing it in a couple of hours before the deadline. That way, your drafts will be stronger and you can get extra feedback before you submit. You'd be surprised how your ideas change too!
My one piece of advice to someone would be to not over do it. We learned about tons of different ways to make design choices but just because you learn them does not mean you have to apply every one of them on one project. Learning when to use certain tools at our disposal in the right way is when we become greater at our craft. So focus on what you want the design to be and choose design elements wisely to fit the occasion.
Definitely watch the videos that Adam posts over and over again. They were so helpful and they provide you with everything you need in order to properly handle Adobe software.
Never wait until the last minute to take the quizzes or complete the assignments! Your computer will fail you (ALWAYS) and good design takes TIME !!
Don't get frustrated! I know it can be really overwhelming at first, especially if you haven't had experience with Photoshop or InDesign, but it gets better and you will get better too.
Definitely work ahead and once you're done with one lesson, look forward to the next one so you can pace yourself and make sure you are staying on top of things. Also, watch all the tutorials!!! they are SO helpful.
Do not blow off bootcamp week, it is easily the most important. With that being said, do not think that you can retain every part of the video in one session. I looked over the videos throughout the entire semester. is a wonderful tool.
Double. Check. Your. Work. I wish I would have utilized Professor Croom more during the semester. I wish I would have started projects earlier so I could get his opinion. If I would have don'e that, I feel like I would have had a better idea of where I was in my skill set rather than just 'thinking' that my work would be good enough.
Always give yourself enough time to complete projects! It may seem like many of the assignments do not require a lot of work (especially when you enjoy designing so much and have fun doing the work) but if you're a perfectionist, assignment may take you awhile to complete!
One piece of advice I would give someone coming into PR Pubs is to not get so wrapped up in getting the design right the first time. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment and have multiple drafts and multiple ideas going.
When you have an idea run with it but also be aware that it may not work out. Don't be afraid to start over even if you may be cutting it close on time.
Be critical of your work. It's okay if you make something and completely hate it at first. You can go back and redo it or make changes until you are satisfied with it. Don't ever turn in a project that you're not proud of!
Ask lots of questions and try to find a way to tie the course into something your passionate about or really could see yourself working with in the future. Doing something a little different for your organization or a little more personal will only make your assignments more meaningful and useful.
I would like to say soak up every moment of this course and take it seriously. There are great skills to be learned in this course that are highly requested in the working world. Give it your all and you will be shocked at how much there is to learn. If you do this you will set yourself apart when you go to apply for a job in the future because InDesign and Photoshop are apart of every job these days.
Have fun with it! This class was such a great learning experience, so take in every minute of it! I learned so many new design techniques and programs that I had never even heard of before, and taking my time to explore each of them is what made each project fun. I definitely have gained some new design skills from this class, so listen to Adam because he knows what he is talking about!
Don't be afraid to be creative! Remember that everyone is or once was in the learning process.
I would tell them to not be overwhelmed, nervous, or anxious if they have never experimented with programs like InDesign, Photoshop, or Canva. Though it may be intimidating at first, the step by step process we go through makes every project a lot less overwhelming.
It can be difficult in the beginning to figure out these programs and all of their tools, but don't get too frustrated! Just take your time--when in doubt, use!
Make sure to set aside time to learn the programs from the beginning. This is not a class where you can jump in and complete assignments quickly if you want them to be quality. It is a fun class though because it prepares you to be confident in your design for the future. A summary for the class is - what you put in is what you get out. Keep this in mind as you're making time to design throughout the semester.
It doesn't matter how much experience you have with design prior to this class, you will learn! Even though it can be frustrating at times, you will be surprised with where you are at the end of the semester compared to the beginning of it.
Trust yourself. You have a lot more creativity flowing through you than you think! Put you ideas on to paper and you'll see them come to life.
My biggest piece of advice is practice, practice, practice! The best way to learn how to use these complex platforms, such as Photoshop and InDesign, is to keep practicing the basics. I watched countless YouTube videos and tutorials over using these platforms, and they were all so worth it. Practice makes perfect!
The biggest piece of advice I would give to potential PR Pubs students is to not become overwhelmed! Coming into this course, I had never worked on Indesign or Photoshop, however, with clear instructions and tutorials I was able to easily learn how to work the programs. Don't stress out about it!
One piece of advice I would give to someone coming into PR Pubs would be to have confidence in yourself. Learning Photoshop and InDesign from no experience to being able to how to design for the projects in this class can seem scary and overwhelming at first. Start your design projects early and give yourself enough time to complete each project. Have confidence, do your best and manage your time and you will see success in PR Pubs.
Always allow yourself time to make multiple drafts so that you're proud of your final one. Designing is a process - have fun with it!
Don't be afraid to just dive in with using things like photoshop and InDesign. It can be intimidating at first, but the more you use it the more comfortable you become. Starting is often the hardest part. Don't be afraid to mess around with your projects and try different things, even if it's something as simple as font. It can make a big difference and make your final product a lot better. My projects always turned out a lot better when I had dozens of drafts that looked nothing like the previous before reaching my final product. Overall, just have fun with it, and don't let the fear of doing it wrong or not being good enough stop you.
The one piece of advice I would give someone for coming into PR Pubs is to ask questions, lots of questions! And most importantly be creative. The assignments that are used are there for you to show your creative side and you might just find some things out about your self that you didn't know through the process! Have fun!!!
Don't doubt or second guess yourself! Be confident in your designing ability and it will get better the more you practice!
HI!! My one piece of advice would be to be open minded. I came in "knowing" I sucked at anything tech related and wasn't open minded to it at all. Once the semester got started I learned that its totally ok!! Like everything is going to be ok. Croom rocks. He's super patient even when you ask him simply how to zoom in and out.. (yah that happened). IS YOUR FRIEND. And don't forget that these project's aren't necessarily super hard but they take TIME. Spend thoughtful time on these projects because you'll learn more and be way prouder of your work in the long run. I can't wait to show what I have done to future employers. So enjoy it and use it for your own benefit.
I have really enjoyed this class and have learned a lot of useful things. My first piece of advice would be to watch all the videos given to you. It is extremely helpful and yes it seems like a lot but don't put it aside. I took lots of notes so I could easily go back and find the videos that I needed. I also suggest getting ahead. It makes everything so much easier and it is easy to do if you sit down and really read everything. Don't wait till the last minute to finish your projects!
PR Pubs is one of my all time favorite classes I have taken for this major. You learn so much and it is one of the few classes that actually prepares you for things you might do in a career. As for advice, I would suggest to not get caught up with not knowing exactly how to do things during the first few projects. Learning photoshop and indesign when you have little to no experience can be really nerve racking but you will get the hang of it by working with the programs every class period. My first few projects compared to my last two are absolutely terrible, but they taught me so much. Don't stress, just keep working with them and you will thank yourself later.
When the week's project gets assigned, take the time to go to the computer lab in Gaylord after class or later in that very first day to work on your design project. It is so much easier to be motivated and have great ideas on that first day than it is on the evening before it is due to be turned in. This tip was critical to my success in the class; I made a point to go to the lab after class that day and I knocked out my project in a few hours. This was awesome because all of my classmates were struggling to find time to get their projects done and I had been done with mine for a few days already. It takes all the stress away if you just knock it out! This class is so manageable, but you just have to make it a priority for a day.
Give yourself enough time to really explore and be creative with all of the assignments. Waiting until the last day is the WORST idea!! Good luck!!
Enjoy every second of every lesson and every project! This is one of the most useful classes you will ever take and will look SPECTACULAR on your resume; seriously, employers will eat it up that you are Photoshop/InDesign/etc. literate. Also, create a schedule and stick to it since this is an online course. Don't get off that schedule because it makes it so much harder to learn the materials when you're rushing to get something done!
Do not be afraid to try new things!! It can seem super scary and hard to figure out at first, but honestly these programs are not that hard to get the hang of. And once you do get the hang of it, it really can be fun designing stuff!
My advice to anyone taking PR Pubs is to not freak out when you start your first few projects. I am a perfectionist and I had a hard time not understanding how to work Photoshop and Indesign. To be honest, I know so much more than I did at the beginning of this class but there will always be more to learn. This class enabled me to find my creative abilities. A lot of the pr classes test your ability to write creatively but this class encourages you to think outside of writing and figure out what you can do with your imagination.
If you are coming into PR Pubs you do have to pace yourself. However, as far as content and work is concerned, don't be afraid to show some personality. This is where you should discover and refine. I can't imagine someone having a bad experience in this course, unless of course they put zero percent effort. I for one was always looking forward to working on projects for this class.
GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME TO WORK ON EACH PROJECT!!! Seriously, I can't stress that enough. Some projects will take a couple of hours to complete, depending on you knowledge of InDesign and Photoshop. Also, if you're not very familiar with the programs, make sure to take notes during the boot camp lesson. Trust me, that will reeeallllyyyyy come in handy!
Pay to have InDesign and Photoshop on your personal computer. You will use them a lot and it's much easier to have access from home and not have to rely on Gaylord computers.
Do your work and don't get behind! The skills you learn in this class are so relevant and will help you so much in your future, so make the most of it and learn and create as much as you possibly can while you're here!
Advice I have for someone coming into PR Pubs is to not worry about being politically correct and just be themselves. Personality is key and the more you design by being you the better your projects are going to turn out. Also, don't forget to take the quizzes on D2L :-)
Advice I have for someone coming into PR Pubs is to not worry about being politically correct and just be themselves. Personality is key and the more you design by being you the better your projects are going to turn out. Also, don't forget to take the quizzes on D2L :-)
I've thought about these 3 things since I started thinking about the summary of learning. I think students should hear it from someone who already went through the class: 1.Make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to mess up and start over. Change your mind as many times as you have to because you’ll only learn if you’re not afraid to try everything. It’s okay if the right idea takes ten tries. 2.Don’t settle for good, don’t strive for perfect. I can’t remember which lesson mentioned this but at some point I remember hearing that you only know you’re improving if you realize how good your work actually is. Maybe you don’t know how to do better but at least you know that you can, that you’re not putting forth your best work. At the same time, this is still a beginner course, it’s okay if your work is not as professional as you would like it to be. Try your best and practice will eventually result in improvement. 3.Make time. I learned this the hard way and I would change it if I could. Make time to work on your designs outside of class time, make time to post on the blog, make time for the quizzes. Just make time. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
It's worth investing in software or spending more times in the Gaylord labs to learn skills and techniques to your best ability!
Don't be afraid to ask questions! It can be a little intimidating working with programs you've never used before but it is so important to ask questions if there is something you don't understand (or watch endless amounts of videos until you figure out what you need). By asking questions you get input that will allow for a better design as well as help you further your knowledge of Photoshop and InDesign. It's the little details of these software that can be the trickiest but if you ask for help everything will be much easier for you.
Don't be afraid of using your creativity, be creative, create unique stuff and have fun! Also photoshop, indesign, etc can be intimidating at first and might seem hard, but eventually you'll learn and it'll become very useful for PR pubs of corse, but also for your everyday life.
I would say dedicate as much time as you can to learning so that when you actually have to perform the functions in this class, it will take very little time.
Don't procrastinate. Start working on your project the day that it's assigned and build it continuously until the due date. You'll get your best product from working on the design at different points throughout the creative process (time wise).
Come in with an open mind and get those creative juices flowing. Search the internet for examples to help get you brain storming. Be ready to dedicate a lot of time to these designs and put your full effort into it.
Don't feel as if your designs have to match exactly what you have envisioned! The creative process can be hard but use your imagination simply to guide you on your assignments. Don't get caught up in getting it "perfect" in the sense of being exactly what you envisioned.
To succeed in PR Pubs the first thing you have to take great note of is to simply follow instructions; don't feel overwhelmed that you can't do it, take it step by step, manage your time well and you will do just fine.
To get ahead as much as possible because it is very easy to fall behind, especially if you are unfamiliar with Adobe Photoshop and/or InDesign.
Try not to get discouraged early on. It is easy to get frustrated when initially using Adobe programs, but that is normal. The sooner you can get past the frustration and instead, see the assignments as an opportunity to discover valuable skills, the easier it will be. The great thing about this class is that it is applicable to the real world, so the more you take advantage of the tools given to you, the more satisfied you will be with the class. Also, use the tutorials! They are extremely useful! Always use them as a resource when you are lost. Good luck!
Don't give up when it gets messy! It will FOR SURE become rewarding! I felt this on my own skin and reading the reflections of my peers confirmed my own experience. To make it all nice and smooth, manage your time carefully! Start in advance; you'll remember me when the time comes. Time management, time management, time management...
PR Pubs is a class that initiates creativity and thinking-outside-the-box. I wanted each of my projects to be different from anyone else's, and so with that in mind, I encourage each student to come in with an open mind. Allow your mind to soak up as much knowledge possible and be prepared to think creatively in everything you do. It's a great course that has taught me a lot!
Even if you have zero experience with the programs used in this course, don't be intimidated and try to let yourself make mistakes. You'll be surprised to see how much you learn in the end.
STAY ON TOP OF YOUR WORK. Publications can sneak up on you, and you need to make sure you have your stuff together. Also, email your professor if you need any help, he's helpful if you simply reach out.
Take the time in the first week to watch the instructional videos and make sure you understand how to work the basic elements of Photoshop and InDesign. Start on projects early, and have fun!
My advice to future students is to have fun in the process of learning new things and don't get frustrated if you don't understand something right way. This class takes time and patience to fully develop a better understanding, but it will get easier, and you will have a lot of fun with it along the way.
TREAT THE TEACHER LIKE THE CLIENT!!!! Seriously. Send progress images, PDF's, etc. to the teacher like they are the client and they are paying you the BIG BUCKS to ensure they get what they are looking for. That is the biggest piece of advice I can give future students prior to turning in an assignment. Ask questions on questions!