
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 19 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Project 2: A*: CS 4013
Project 2: A*: CS 4013
Criteria Ratings Pts
threshold: pts
30 pts
Full Marks
Correctly implementing A∗. A correct player will have an admissible heuristic and will move to the target beacons efficiently. The ship will rarely run into obstacles, other ships, or bullets. It should collect a fair number of beacons by the end of the game. Sample projects and point distributions are given below. Full credit requires FULL code documentation explaining what each function does. The top of each java file should also contain a 2-3 sentence description of everything that java file does.
25 pts
Minor mistake
one minor mistake. An example of a minor mistake would be having off-by one errors (where you miss a search node). You can also lose 5 points for not documenting your code well (but at least somewhat).
20 pts
Several minor mistakes
17 pts
Major error
15 pts
Several major errors
8 pts
Search but not A*
a search other than A∗ that at least moves the agent around the environment in an intelligent manner.
5 pts
Non-random movements
an agent that at least does something other than random movements.
0 pts
No marks
30 pts
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
Correctly drawing graphics that enable you to debug your A* search and that help us to grade it. This means you should display your graph either all at once (if you initialize it that way) or step-by-step as it is built. You should also show the optimal path found by A* that your ship will traverse
7 pts
Some useful graphics
3 pts
Buggy graphics
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Admissible and Consistent Heuristic
threshold: pts
8 pts
Full Marks
Designing, correctly implementing, and documenting an admissible and consistent heuristic
6 pts
Minor mistake
4 pts
Several minor mistakes or a major mistake
0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
threshold: pts
7 pts
Full Marks
Dynamically replanning as needed in an efficient manner. This CANNOT be replanning every time step
3 pts
Replanning at target only
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
Good coding practices
We will randomly choose from one of the following good coding practices to grade for these 10 points. Note that this will be included on every project. Are your files well commented? Are your variable names descriptive (or are they all i, j, and k)? Do you make good use of classes and methods or is the entire project in one big flat file?
threshold: pts
12 pts
Full Marks
8 pts
partially commented code, semi-descriptive variable names, or partial use of classes and methods
0 pts
No Marks
12 pts
Writeup part 1: A*
Describe what form of A* you implemented, and how you dealt with the dynamics of the environment
threshold: pts
8 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
Writeup part 2: Heuristic
Describe your heuristic and why it is admissible and consistent
threshold: pts
3 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
3 pts
Writeup part 3: Why
Why did you choose the cooperative or competitive path? A sentence or two is sufficient here
threshold: pts
2 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
2 pts
Total Points: 80 out of 80