PAINT Canvas: Embedding External Tools
This open Canvas course contains all the materials from my presentation for the PAINT Canvas event Links to an external site. in Bizzell Library on March 29, 2017 (schedule Links to an external site.). So, if you could not attend, no worries! You can access these materials any time at Links to an external site., and feel free to use the Feedback Form to contact me with any questions you have.
Here's the slideshow Links to an external site.:
The tools fall into three different categories:
- IFRAME. The iframe approach to embedding is the easiest! You just grab the embed code or site address and paste it into your Canvas Page. Examples: blogs, NPR, Soundcloud, Storify, LibriVox, Google Forms, and YouTube.
- JAVASCRIPT. With a javascript, you have to upload the javascript into a Canvas File, and then you use an iframe to paste it into a Canvas Page. Examples: Flickr, Pinterest, and Twitter.
- RSS. Finally, you can get the RSS from blogs or from other sites that use RSS — Diigo is the example I featured here — and then use Inoreader to convert that into an iframe that you paste into a Canvas Page.
If there is a tool you want to use that is not listed here, let me know, and I will try to help you figure out which type of strategy you can use (iframe, javascript, or RSS). You can contact me at or at Twitter: @OnlineCrsLady Links to an external site..
Also, you might check out my Javascript Widget Warehouse for Canvas and see if anything there is of interest. And are you using Canvas Community yet? Many of my ideas here have come from the Community, and I've really benefited from the insights and experience of long-time Canvas users there: Canvas Community Links to an external site..