Home Page Example


There are several different options for a home page in Canvas. For many courses, the Front Page option works very well and is highly recommended. This type of custom home page serves as a landing page for the course letting students know right away where they are and providing them with a short introduction to the course and how to use it.
>>> A Front Page is created by using a Canvas Page and then selecting it as the Front Page. 

Home Page


Creating a Helpful Home Page 

Image of Home Page in this course

The home page in this course provides a good example of a custom Canvas home page. 


Please contact the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Online and Academic Technology Office for home page templates and assistance with customizing your course's home page.





Steps and How to Guides for creating a custom Home Page:

  1. Create and publish a page with your home page content (How to Guide) Links to an external site.
  2. Set the new page as the “Front Page" (How to Guide) Links to an external site.
  3. Choose the "Front Page" as the Home Page option (How to Guide) Links to an external site.