- Due Sep 6, 2018 by 7pm
- Points 3
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Aug 30, 2018 at 12am - Sep 13, 2018 at 7pm
Live Session
Every Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm (Central Time Zone)
Before attending the Live Session, you are expected to...
(1) read the assigned text
(2) watch the video lectures
(3) complete the short quiz
(4) submit Assignment 3 - Case Brief
(5) post two questions or issues you'd like to discuss
In this session, we will start our discussion with the questions and issues you submitted on the discussion board. Then we will discuss the cases from Chapter 6 and 7.
- Mathias (p 183); Pope; (p 191); Stephens (p 216);
- Currie (p 231); Kaltman (p 240); Atlantic Coast Airlines (p 243).
You will be expected to either lead or contribute to the discussion of the case you briefed. Make sure you keep your webcam on during the Live Session. Set your mic on mute until you are ready to speak.
You can join the meeting
Links to an external site. by clicking on the image to the right.
Recorded Session
Each of the Live Sessions are recorded. The link will be posted here after the class.
Link to LIVE SESSION Week 3:
There are two ways in which you can earn points for the Live Session. Remember, these Live Sessions will count toward your final grade.
1. Participate Live: This option should be your preferred choice. When possible, you should attend and participate in the Live Sessions in real time. To get credit for your attendance, type in the date and time of the session you attended by clicking on the red "Submit Assignment" button at the top of this page. Your log in will be cross-checked against the attendance tracker in Zoom.
2. Make-Up (Watch Recording-Submit Written Summary): In the event that your work or personal schedule makes it impossible for you to attend, please review the recording of the Live Session and write a paragraph summarizing the Live Session from your perspective. Click on the "Submit Assignment" button to type (or copy/paste) your paragraph into the text field. Don't worry if the system indicates you are late. You will get credit as long as you submit before next before the next Live Session.
Note: Be sure to utilize option 1 or 2 for each of the Live Sessions to receive full points. Regardless of when the session occurred, you must post your response based on option 1 or 2.