Blog Post: Create An Action Plan For Your Domain
- Due Dec 1, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 2
- Submitting a website url
My hope is that creating a domain or blog has been a valuable experience for you and will be something you can use beyond PR Pubs. Write a blog post about how you plan to use the domain afterwards. Will it be something that you will utilize when looking for jobs? Do you see yourself continuing the blogging reflection process for other courses or internships? Do you see yourself wiping it clean and completely redesigning it? Do you see yourself using a DIFFERENT space now that you’ve had this experience? Are there pages you would like to create to fill out the domain such as an “About” page or a “Contact Me” page. Write a blog post and tag it “Reflection.”
Once you have published your blog post, submit a direct URL link to the post to complete the assignment.