Complete the Segmenting Stakeholders Matrix
- Due Oct 13, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 2
- Submitting a file upload
Below you’ll find a word document which needs to be completed for a stakeholder. Now that you have information on how to prioritize stakeholders, you’ll want to apply that to the stakeholder you defined earlier. In the stakeholder matrix, you will prioritize them by attributes, situation, and communication strategy.
SegmentingStakeholdersMatrix.docx Download SegmentingStakeholdersMatrix.docx
Once that is complete, you’ll begin to attempt to understand the stakeholders. I’ve also attached several documents that will assist you with that portion of the matrix. These include the documents titled:
- VALS Download VALS
- Generation Segmentation Download Generation Segmentation
- Life Stages Download Life Stages
- Social Class Download Social Class
Last, I’ve included a sample completed matrix. While this assignment may feel time consuming, it will help you understand the values and expectations of your stakeholder and focus your communication strategies.
GamerMatrix.docx Download GamerMatrix.docx
Once you have completed your Stakeholders Matrix, upload your final document to complete the assignment.