Media Upload: Newspaper Markup
- Due Sep 15, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 3
- Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Now that we know more about the tools we will be using, it will be helpful to also know the specific elements of a newsletter or newspaper. These are some key terms worth knowing:
- Masthead
- Headlines
- Deck
- Subhead
- Bylines
- Body text
- Photo cutline
- Pull quote
- Dividers
- Jump Line
I go over these terms and show you where they correspond on the page in this video below:
This short assignment is to grab any newspaper and see if you can locate all of these elements. Take a photo of the marked up newspaper and submit it below either by uploading the photo, doing a short video, or by putting it in a blog post. If you decide to go the blog post route, give you blog post the tag “Newspaper Markup” and submit the blog post's full URL. Here’s an example of a front page that displays all the elements: