Peer Review of 2.1 Drafts
- Due Oct 2, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box
For this lesson you have been randomly assigned three students to peer review from the assignment: Blog Post: Setup your InDesign document. Go to that assigned, see who you have been assigned, and give the following feedback:
- Is the business card very readable?
- I feel the brand elements of the organization or company are.... (e.g. clear, too strong, too small, missing)
- Comment on how the business card design is or is NOT leveraging PROXIMITY.
- Comment on how the business card design is or is NOT leveraging ALIGNMENT.
- Comment on how the business card design is or is NOT leveraging CONTRAST.
- Comment on how the business card design is or is NOT leveraging REPETITION.
- Comment on how the business card design and its use of TYPOGRAPHY.
- Comment on how the business card design and its use of COLOR.
Once you have completed this assignment, submit in the text box the names of three students who you critiqued.