Comment on a Blog Post on 2.1
- Due Oct 2, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 2
- Submitting a website url
Next I want you to choose one person that you peer reviewed and comment on their blog post. In contrast to the peer review, these are NOT meant to be anonymous. As a blog owner, you will want to make sure that your blog allows comments and that you are “approving” the comments as they come in from peers. Additionally, you will want to make sure you reply to comments as they come in. Though its not required, feel free to continue the conversation after the first comment.
What is a constructive comment? It should be more than “Nice work” or “I agree”. It ought to be a few sentences, and include useful feedback or suggestion for improvement. You can explain why you like what was written or agree. Or explain why you disagree. You can offer relevant contexts or links. Or offer additional resources or links that might benefit the writer. For every bit of opinion you might start writing, think of including an “and…” statement.
One approach if giving criticism is to put it inside a sandwich- open with aspects you praise or agree with, offer critical statements, and close with a positive. Maybe the best advice is to comment in the style and mood that you would like to receive.
When you comment, show that you are listening. Respond to specific parts of what the author wrote. As a form of acknowledgement, when someone replies specifically to a point, it means they are listening. Do not be the commenter who just uses it as a means to talk about their own stuff.
Once you completed the assignment, submit the direct link to the student's post where you commented.