Unit 3.1 Introduction

For this next design project, you are only allowed to use Adobe Photoshop. Since we’ve spent a fair amount of time bonding with InDesign, Photoshop has felt a little lonesome. It’s time to give PS some love.

With this lesson brings Design Project #2, where you will designing two direct mailers for two separate separate stakeholders. Deliverables for Design Project #2 are as followed:

  • One completed segmentation matrix
  • Two separate mailers turned in as JPGs (front and back for both)

We will be analyzing these two separate stakeholders through completing a segmentation matrix.  Similar to the first project, an excellent final product will be one where you can demonstrate proficiency in creating the full print product, where the design clearly ties to the stakeholder, it’s not cluttered, it has excellent readability, and where you have effective use of contrast, proximity, alignment & repetition. Make sure your direct mailer also has a clear call to action for the recipient. To get clear information on how this assignment will be graded, you’ll find a grading rubric attached to the right.

Through the segmentation matrix, you will want to demonstrate clear knowledge of how to prioritize stakeholders by attributes, situation, and communication strategy. Additionally it needs to demonstrate clear knowledge of stakeholder by generation, life stage, social class, lifestyle, gender, and race/nationality. The document must be typed.