Course Syllabus

Contact Information

This table includes information about how to contact your instructor and other important details about your class

Office Hours: By Appointment



Class Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00-8:45 p.m. (Central)

Dr. John Doe


Gallogly College of Engineering

Teaching Assistant Information

TA Name and TA Email

TA Office hours will be established once the semester begins. 

Course Prerequisites 

Undergraduate soil mechanics

Course Materials

Das, B.M. and Sivakugan, N. (2019). Principles of Foundation Engineering, 9th Edition. Cengage Learning, Stamford, Connecticut.



Course activities and grades listed for each activity
Activity Points/Percentage
Quizzes (10) 10%
Project (1) 10%
Midterm Exams (2) 35%
Final Exam 30%
Participation 5%
Total 100%


Grade Scale
Percentage Letter Grade
90–100% A
80–89% B
70–79% C
60–69% D
Below 60% F

Course Components

Video Lectures

The course is broken into 10 modules of 1 week to 2 weeks in duration. Each module has video lectures posted in Canvas that present essential information for the topic in that module. These include PowerPoint voiceover lectures and light board videos. You should do the reading and water these videos prior to our regular in-class meeting times.

Live Sessions

Each week, we will meet twice for virtual Live Sessions. These meeting times will be used to address your questions, go over example problems, review for exams, and discuss other course-related information. 


In addition to completing reading, assignments, and quizzes, students are expected to participate by attending in-class meetings.


All assignments are to be prepared neatly and professionally. Calculations should be performed on engineering paper and a straight edge and/or French curve should be used where appropriate. Assignments may be typed and graphing software used where appropriate. Collaboration among students is encouraged; however, assignments should represent individual work. Assignments should be scanned or compiled as a single PDF file and uploaded to Canvas by the due date and time. 


Each module has an online quiz associated with it that must be completed by the end of the module. 


A design project will be assigned during the first half of the semester and will be due at the end of the semester.


All exams will be open book (class textbook and notes only, unless specified otherwise). The exams may be comprehensive. Completed exams should represent your own work.

Course Policies

Communication Plan

Please post your questions about the technical content of the course on the discussion board in each module. These questions may be of general interest to the entire class. If you are not comfortable posting your questions there, you may email your question directly to both the TA and instructor and one of us will respond. We will generally respond to the discussion board or email questions within 24 hours M-F, but on weekends there may be more of a delay depending on our availability.

The instructor will also use questions posted to the discussion board to guide the selection of material covered during in-class meetings. If you have suggestions or questions you would like the instructor to cover during in-class meetings, you may indicate so on the discussion board, or send an e-mail to the instructor, ideally, at least one day before class.

Other questions for the instructor can be emailed directly to the instructor or discussed in person during office hours.

For Canvas issues, please refer to the contact information on the course webpage.

Late Policy

Late assignments will be accepted with a penalty unless a properly documented and compelling excuse is presented. Arrangements may be made to hand an assignment in late if the instructor is notified in advance and the reasons are compelling. The instructor reserves the right to judge whether an excuse or reason for late assignments is compelling. Otherwise, late assignments will be accepted for one week after the due date (i.e. the following Sunday at 11:59 pm) with a penalty of one point per day (out of a total of 100).

The first day late begins the minute after the due date and time, and continues for 24 hours at which time the second day late begins (e.g. if due date is at 11:59 pm on January 19, the first day late begins at 12:00 am and ends at 11:59 pm on January 20, the second day late begins at 12:00 am and ends at 11:59 pm January 21, and so on).   

Academic Honesty

Students are required to abide by the policies set forth in the Student Code. Students who cheat on an exam, or copy homework without working the problems themselves, will receive a grade of zero for that piece of work and will be reported to the OU Integrity Council, for possible further action. While we encourage you to work together and help each other, you must turn in your own work, showing your own thoughts and your own processes. Simply asking someone to look at their work is not considered “working together.” Please do not show anyone your work, let anyone copy your work or share electronic files of assignments with each other. Feel free to talk through the possible solutions, but make sure you do your own work. 

Codes and Policies of Behavior

Each student should acquaint her or his self with the University’s codes, policies, and procedures involving academic misconduct, grievance, sexual and ethnic harassment and discrimination based on physical handicap. 

Writing Center

For those who need help with writing skills, please consult the Writing Center

University Academic Policies and Student Support

Land Acknowledgement

Long before the University of Oklahoma was established, the land on which the University now resides was the traditional home of the “Hasinais” Caddo Nation and “Kirikirʔi:s” Wichita & Affiliated Tribes.

We acknowledge this territory once also served as a hunting ground, trade exchange point, and migration route for the Apache, Comanche, Kiowa and Osage nations. Today, 39 tribal nations dwell in the state of Oklahoma as a result of settler and colonial policies that were designed to assimilate Native people.

The University of Oklahoma recognizes the historical connection our university has with its indigenous community. We acknowledge, honor and respect the diverse Indigenous peoples connected to this land. We fully recognize, support and advocate for the sovereign rights of all of Oklahoma’s 39 tribal nations. This acknowledgment is aligned with our university’s core value of creating a diverse and inclusive community. It is an institutional responsibility to recognize and acknowledge the people, culture and history that make up our entire OU Community.

Course Catalog 

Search the OU Course Catalog.

Student Handbook

Please familiarize yourself with the OU Student Handbook.

Student Support Services

OU offers a variety of services to support students. For more information, please refer to the Student Support Module in your Orientation course.

Online Library

Access digital materials and other resources at OU Libraries.

Copyright Statement and Privacy Information

Sessions of this course may be recorded or live-streamed. These recordings are the intellectual property of the individual faculty member and may not be shared or reproduced without the explicit, written consent of the faculty member. In addition, privacy rights of others such as students, guest lecturers, and providers of copyrighted material displayed in the recording may be of concern. Students may not share any course recordings with individuals not enrolled in the class or upload them to any other online environment.

Academic Integrity

As a member of the OU community, it is your responsibility to protect your educational investment by knowing and following the rules. The Student Code is available from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, and is contained in the Student's Guide to Academic Integrity

Academic honesty is incredibly important within this course. Cheating is strictly prohibited at the University of Oklahoma, because it devalues the degree you are working hard to get. Should you know of someone else engaging in academic misconduct, please report it to your instructor or directly to the Office of Academic Integrity. Your instructor has a professional obligation to report academic misconduct. 

In addition to the course conduct policies outlined by your professor in the Course Syllabus in the online classroom, please review the Graduate Student Handbook. 

Religious Observance

It is the policy of the University to excuse the absences of students that result from religious observances and to reschedule examinations and additional required classwork that may fall on religious holidays, without penalty. [See Faculty Handbook 3.15.2].

Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities

The Accessibility and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is committed to supporting students with disabilities to ensure that they are able to enjoy equal access to all components of their education. This includes your academics, housing, and community events. Please review OU's Accessibility Policy.

If you are experiencing a disability, a mental/medical health condition that has a significant impact on one or more life functions, you can receive accommodations to provide equal access. Possible disabilities include but are not limited to learning disabilities, AD(H)D, mental health, and chronic health. Additionally, we support students with temporary medical conditions (broken wrist, shoulder surgery, etc.) and pregnancy.

To discuss potential accommodations, please contact the ADRC at 730 College Avenue, (phone) 405-325-3852, or

Title IX Resources  

Anyone who has been impacted by gender-based violence, including dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, harassment, and sexual assault, deserves access to resources so that they are supported personally and academically.

The University of Oklahoma is committed to offering resources to those impacted, including: speaking with someone confidentially about your options, medical attention, counseling, reporting, academic support, and safety plans. If you would like to speak with someone confidentially, please contact OU Advocates (available 24/7 at 405-615-0013) or another confidential resource (see "Can I make an anonymous report?").

You may also choose to report gender-based violence and discrimination through other means, including by contacting the Institutional Equity Office (, 405-325-3546) or the police (911).

Because the University of Oklahoma is committed to the safety of you and other students, I, as well as other faculty, Graduate Assistants, and Teaching Assistants, are mandatory reporters. This means that we are obligated to report gender-based violence that has been disclosed to us to the Institutional Equity Office. This includes disclosures that occur in class discussions, writing assignments, discussion boards, emails, and during Student/Office Hours.

For more information, please visit the Institutional Equity Office.

Adjustments for Pregnancy/Childbirth Related Issues

Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss your options. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on temporary disability. Learn more about the rights of pregnant and parenting students by consulting the FAQ sheets provided by the Institutional Equity Office.

Mental Health Support Services

If you are experiencing any mental health issues that are impacting your academic performance, counseling is available at the University Counseling Center (UCC). The Center is located on the second floor of the Goddard Health Center, at 620 Elm Rm. 201, Norman, OK 73019. To schedule an appointment, call 405-325-2911. For more information, please visit the University Counseling Center.

Final Exam Preparation Period

Pre-finals week will be defined as the seven calendar days before the first day of finals. Faculty may cover new course material throughout this week. For specific provisions of the policy please refer to OU's Final Exam Preparation Period policy.

Required Policies for Students On Campus

Emergency Protocol

During an emergency, there are official university procedures that will maximize your safety.

Severe Weather: If you receive an OU Alert to seek refuge or hear a tornado siren that signals severe weather:

  1. Look for severe weather refuge location maps located inside most OU buildings near the entrances
  2. Seek refuge inside a building. Do not leave one building to seek shelter in another building that you deem safer. If outside, get into the nearest building.
  3. Go to the building’s severe weather refuge location. If you do not know where that is, go to the lowest level possible and seek refuge in an innermost room. Avoid outside doors and windows.
  4. Get in, Get Down, Cover Up.
  5. Wait for official notice to resume normal activities.

Additional Weather Safety Information is available through the Department of Campus Safety.

Severe Weather Refuge Areas

Severe Weather Preparedness Video

Armed Subject/Campus Intruder

If you receive an OU Alert to shelter-in-place due to an active shooter or armed intruder situation or you hear what you perceive to be gunshots:

  1. Avoid: If you believe you can get out of the area without encountering the armed individual, move quickly towards the nearest building exit, move away from the building, and call 911.
  2. Deny: If you cannot flee, move to an area that can be locked or barricaded, turn off lights, silence devices, spread out, and formulate a plan of attack if the shooter enters the room.
  3. Defend: As a last resort fight to defend yourself. For more information, visit:

OU's Emergency Preparedness site

Shots Fire on Campus Procedure

Fire Alarm/General Emergency

If you receive an OU Alert that there is danger inside or near the building, or the fire alarm inside the building activates:

  1. Leave the building. Do not use the elevators.
  2. Know at least two building exits
  3. Assist those that may need help
  4. Proceed to the emergency assembly area
  5. Once safely outside, Notify first responders of anyone that may still be inside the building due to mobility issues.
  6. Wait for official notice before attempting to re-enter the building.

OU Fire Safety on Campus Video

Course Summary:

Date Details Due