Course Syllabus

For this class, YOU will be deciding the schedule that works best for you, planning a tentative schedule during the Orientation Week and then adjusting that schedule based on how things are going from week to week.

The Orientation Week Links to an external site. will introduce you to the course goals and activities, along with the grading and scheduling options. You can then see the whole semester calendar here: Week by Week Links to an external site..

If you would like to see a more traditional type of syllabus for an overview, you can do that here: Course Syllabus Links to an external site..

Below, the Canvas list of assignments below shows both the six core assignments each week plus the long list of extra credit (EC) options that are also available. Use the "jump to today" (upper right corner) to see upcoming deadlines.

I hope this information is helpful, and if you have any questions at all, just let me know:


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Course Summary:

Date Details Due