
Find Rubric
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Project 4: CS4013 Rubric
Project 4: CS4013 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Learning method
threshold: pts
40 pts
Full Marks
A correctly implemented learning method that you proposed and got feedback on (if you were told to choose a different method, you need to implement the method you were told to adjust to).  A correct learner uses learning in a way to improve performance and learning will be demonstrated in the writeup (though the curve is graded separately) using a learning curve.  Learning code should be well documented to receive full credit
35 pts
Minor mistake
30 pts
Several minor mistakes
25 pts
Major error
13.33 pts
somewhat intelligent learning behavior
accidentally implement a learning algorithm other than what you intended and it at least moves the ships around the environment in an intelligent manner
0 pts
No Marks
40 pts
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
correctly drawing graphics (or using printouts) that enable you to debug your learning and that help us to grade it.
7 pts
Minor bugs
3 pts
Major bugs
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Good coding practices
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
well commented code, descriptive variables names or making good use of classes and methods
5 pts
partial credit
partially commented code, semi-descriptive variable names, or partial use of classes and methods
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Writeup: Learning curve and analysis
threshold: pts
20 pts
Full Marks
collecting data and demonstrating learning using a learning curve (in the writeup).
10 pts
Learning not demonstrated
and no analysis of why it isn't learning
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
Writeup: learning description
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
describe your learning method in a paragraph or two and explain why you chose to demonstrate learning in the curve that you present
5 pts
Description lacking
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Late submission
threshold: pts
0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
0 pts
Total Points: 90 out of 90