Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

Instructor — Roi Docampo (

Meeting — MWF 1:30–2:20, PHSC 809.


Course Description — This course serves as a first introduction to Algebraic Geometry. This is a central subject in modern mathematics, with close connections with number theory, representation theory, differential geometry, and combinatorics. The main objective in this course is to introduce and study basic properties of affine and projective algebraic varieties. A special emphasis will be put on concrete geometric examples. At the same time, we will develop all of the Commutative Algebra needed to understand the material.


Lecture Notes — We will mainly follow the lecture notes on the subject written by Andreas Gathmann Links to an external site.. We will be using the latest version (last updated on April 29, 2017). You can download a copy on the author's website Links to an external site., or directly here:


Additional References — In addition to the above lecture notes, occasionally we will also draw on other sources. The most relevant among them are:


Commutative Algebra References — As mentioned above, during the course we will develop the notions of Commutative Algebra that are needed to understand the material. For more details on this subject, the standard references are:


Advanced Algebraic Geometry References — The following is a list of more advanced references. You might wish to consult them for more in depth treatments of the subject.