Feedback Articles

Below you can see a live feed of the newest Feedback resources that I have bookmarked in Diigo, displayed 10 at a time. In addition, you can access my Diigo Library directly Links to an external site. to see all the feedback results. And for more growth mindset materials, check out this page: Diigo Mindset.

A key theme is learning from mistakes Links to an external site. and letting go of perfectionism Links to an external site.. I've also highlighted articles about grading Links to an external site. and how grades are not a very useful form of feedback to help people grow and learn. There are articles that focus on positive feedback problems Links to an external site. (praise, especially empty praise) and on negative feedback problems Links to an external site. (both giving and receiving). There are lots of articles with specific tips and advice Links to an external site. about different types of feedback, including feedback for writing Links to an external site. and other creative work. 

Do you have suggestions for other articles I can include? Let me know (you can use the suggestion box).