Blog Post: Reflecting on Lesson 3.3
- Due Oct 27, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 8
- Submitting a website url
This week’s reflection post will be slightly different. Rather than reflecting on the week’s work. I want you to reflect on the whole process of your second design project. You accomplished a lot! I’ve included below the usual questions for reflection posts as well as some supplemental questions that you are more than welcome to answer:
1. What were you asked to do?
2. How did you respond to what you were asked to do?
3. How did react to what you actually did?
4. Now go one level deeper: Why do you think your reaction was what it was?
Supplemental questions:
- Do you or do you not feel yourself becoming more confident with the tools you are being asked to used?
- What are some differences you found between Photoshop and InDesign? Do you feel like you prefer either one?
- Is there anything you would do differently if you were to start over?
Tag your blog post “Reflection.”
Once you've published your blog post, submit the direct URL to the post to complete the assignment.