Widget: Time
The content for the Time widget is housed at my H.E.A.R.T. blog Links to an external site.. That blog is a support site for my students, dedicated to health and happiness (H), empathy (E), attention (A), reading (R), and time (T), especially time management resources. That blog is where you will find the javascripts and iframe Links to an external site. so that you can make use of this widget yourself either in your own blog or in your Canvas course. The widget features a variety of types of memes and other graphics focused on time, time management, and procrastination. If you have suggestions for other items I can include, let me know! As of December 28 2017, the script contained 22 different items. You can see the contents here: source table Links to an external site.. You can see the widget in action at the bottom of the Time Page Links to an external site. at the H.E.A.R.T. blog. |
Time: press reload for more. |