Step 3 - Add Course Modules in Canvas

Step 3 - Add Course Modules in Canvas

Step 3 -1: Add Modules to Your Course

Once the course schedule is complete, the framework of the course can be built based on the layout and organization of the schedule. Create a module in the course for each module in the schedule. The modules then act as folders that enable you to post and organize content.  In Steps 5 and 6 you'll add every item in the schedule under its corresponding module.

Please note, a template is available to be added to courses that creates a fillable first module that can then be duplicated. To view click here

Illustration of a schedule and modules page showing how Unit 1 from the schedule connects to Unit 1 of the Modules

To start adding modules go to the modules area of the course and use the Canvas guides below.

Step 3 -2: Publish your Modules

Publish each module. Students cannot see anything that is not Published. Remember, it must be GREEN to be SEEN

>> Next we will take a look at creating and adding teaching and learning content in Steps 4 and 5.