Step 6 - Add Assignments and Assessments (Gradebook Setup)

Step 6 - Add Assignments and Assessments (Gradebook Setup)

There are many different types of online assignments

Follow the steps below to add assignments to Canvas and then add them to the modules.

white exclamation point with blue circle around itDon't forget your Learning Outcomes when deciding what to assess.

Make sure to include RSI components!

Adding Assignments  --- ❗️IMPORTANT❗️

Assignment Types–Although all assignments appear in the Assignments area of Canvas, only submission assignments can be created from this page. To create Discussions or Quizzes, use their respective tools.

Gradebook–As you create graded assignments in your course, they will automatically populate in your Gradebook. Ungraded assignments can only be found in their assignment tools.

Step 6-1: Create Discussions

Use Canvas Discussions as a space for class conversations where students can post and respond to each other. Discussions and other interactive activities are essential for online learning and help meet federal Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) requirements.

Reminder: To add a discussion, use the Discussions tool in the left-hand navigation.

Ideas and Tips

The following are some recommendations for incorporating and setting-up discussions in your online course: 

  • Encourage Interaction – Include at least one discussion or interactive assignment per module (e.g., group projects, peer reviews Links to an external site., online presentations).
  • Require Responses – Have students respond to at least two peers to keep discussions active.
  • Make It Engaging – Use open-ended, thought-provoking questions that you and students find interesting.
  • Be Clear – Set clear expectations and provide feedback and coaching (see example rubric).
  • Stay Involved – Actively participate to foster engagement.
  • Build Community – Start with an introductory discussion for students to meet one another and become familiar with the discussion expectations.
  • Empower Students – Assign discussion leaders.
  • Optimize Settings – Use these Canvas settings:
    1. Allow threaded replies
    2. Require posting before viewing others’ responses (to prevent copying)
    3. Make it "Graded" (ensures it appears in the Gradebook and students take it seriously)


Alternate Discussion Assignments

  • Journaling – Use Groups and Discussions to create individual journal spaces for students.
  • Student Presentations – Have students post presentations on a discussion board for peer review and feedback. 
  • Student-Led Discussions – Assign students to lead discussions each week. They post two questions or ideas from the material and actively engage with peers throughout the week.

Step 6-2: Add Submission Assignments

Submission assignments include papers, essays, projects, case studies, or anything a student submits to a dropbox. These assignments can also be set up as group assignments or peer review assignments. 


  • If teaching a GEN ED course, make sure to meet the Gen Ed writing requirement.
  • Use Turnitin Plagiarism checker

Step 6-3: Add and Set up Quizzes

Quizzes can be used for various assessments, including chapter quizzes, essays, and exams.

Reminder: To add a quiz, go to the Quiz tool in the left-hand navigation.

Tips for Effective Quizzing

  • Question Banks – Use question banks Links to an external site. to randomize questions and reduce cheating. 
  • Syllabus Quiz – Include a short quiz to ensure students have read the syllabus. (example syllabus quiz)
  • Mastery Quizzes – Offer low-stakes, randomized quizzes on key concepts from lectures or other materials. Allow multiple attempts for improved understanding.
  • Muddiest Point – Add a one-question quiz/survey per module for students to share what they need clarification on.
  • Quiz Security – View this guide for strategies to enhance exam security.

Respondus LockDown Browser

Respondus LockDown Browser restricts students from copying, printing, or accessing other applications/websites during an exam. However, it is most effective in proctored environments, as students can still use external devices when unproctored.

Screenshot of the Respondus lockdown browser in Canvas
Respondus LockDown Browser message in Canvas


Respondus LockDown Browser restricts students from copying, printing, or accessing other applications/websites during an exam. However, it is most effective in proctored environments, as students can still use external devices when unproctored.

 OU IT Respondus.

Step 6-4: Set-up Your Assignments Page and Gradebook

The Gradebook in Canvas is managed through the Assignments tool. As you create assignments, they will be added to the Gradebook automatically. You can also add assignment groups, weight your gradebook, and drop grades. For more information view the guides below. 

Example module in Canvas with an arrow pointing to the plus (+) sign to show how to add an assignment to a module.
Use the + button to add assignments to a Module

Step 6-5: Add Assignments to Modules

Once you have created your assignments, add them to the module in which they are due by clicking the "+" button Links to an external site. in the module.

This ensures students have all necessary materials in one place to complete the module.


Due Dates Are Very Important  --- ❗️IMPORTANT❗️

Many students rely on the Canvas To Do List to know what to complete and when. An assignment must have a due date for it to appear on a student's To Do list. By setting Canvas due dates, you can help students manage their assignments.


>> Next we will take a quick look at some important course and Canvas settings.




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