Step 5 - Add Teaching and Learning Content

Step 5 - Add Teaching and Learning Content

Once the modules are set up in Canvas and you’ve gathered your content, you can start adding materials like readings, lectures, videos, and website links.

Below, we’ll explore how to use Pages to create Overviews and introduce course content effectively.

Place content into the modules you've created in Canvas

Need Help? 
Before we get started, please note that a template is available to be added to courses that creates a fillable first module with pages where you can place your teaching and learning content. All of the items can be duplicated to populate the course. 


Always introduce module content to provide context for students. The easiest way is by placing learning materials on individual pages with a brief introduction. Simply posting links without context makes it harder for students to integrate the material. See the examples below for a comparison. 

Good Example    vs.    Bad Example

Step 5-1: Add an Overview Page to Each Module

It is helpful for students to have a text based introduction for each topic module in the course. Even if the the instructor is including a lecture for the module, a short written overview on a Canvas page provides an opportunity to capture the learners attention, activate prior knowledge, set students up for what they will be learning, and to provide context. (For help with creating a Canvas page click here.)

For each of the modules overviews include information such as: 

  • What is being covered in the module
  • Learning outcomes
  • Connections to prior knowledge (helping students build on what they already know)
  • Relevance and importance (why it matters)
  • How it fits into the course (providing context)
  • A To-Do List for the module

Module Overview Example

Step 5-2: Add Content to Modules Using Pages (Recommended Method)

Use pages to add the rest of your teaching and learning activities. Always introduce each activity or reading before you embed or link to it on a page. The goal of using this method is to avoid posting links, videos, PDFs, etc. in Canvas without explaining them or giving them context. 

A general format for a page might look something like the following (see the steps below for more details):



Link to Activity or Reading 

Embedded Video

Link to example page in Canvas (this image is a thumbnail view of the page)
Example Page in Canvas (Click image to view page)

How to Add Content Using Pages

View the instructions "How to Create a Page" (found on this page).

Write a short introduction to the item or items you are adding to a page. The introduction can include information on:

  • why the reading/activity is important
  • what students should be looking for
  • how it relates to the topic they are studying
  • how the course item will be used in the course assessments -->This helps motivate students to view/read/watch it

This introduction should also be something that makes the reading or activity more meaningful and memorable to the students, generates interest, and helps the students understand what they are viewing, reading, etc.

Link to outside websites and other resources. When including video, embed the video on the page when possible.

Save and Publish your page so that students can view it.

For examples of page layouts with teaching and learning activities click the link below.


Step 5-3 Add Items Using Links 

Items can also be added to modules using direct links. You can link to anything in your Canvas course that is stored in the files area. You can also link to outside URLs and websites. This method does not provide a space for you to introduce the material as you add it so make sure to provide students with instructions in the overview or somewhere else. 

Step 5-4: Add Zoom Meetings

Include the link to your Zoom Meetings in  several prominent places

For those teaching a course that includes Zoom meetings there are several different ways to include these in the course. Most instructors post a link to the course's recurring Zoom meeting in several prominent locations such as on the home page or at the top of the modules page and include information for students about accessing Zoom. List the meetings in the schedule so students know when to sign on. You can also place a reminder in each module on the Overview page or on another Canvas page and include any information you want to discuss during the meeting.

Step 5-5: Publish

Make sure to Publish everything you want students to see. Remember, it must be GREEN to be SEEN.

>> Next we will take a look at adding assignments and assessments.



Image Credit: Zoom Photo by Gabriel Benois Links to an external site. on Unsplash Links to an external site.