Teaching Online Overview
Teaching Online Overview
Teaching online can be very different than in a classroom setting. One of the most challenging and most important aspects, is connecting with students in spite of the physical separation. In addition, the federal government requires distance learning courses to deliver instruction to students that supports regular and substantive interaction (RSI) between the students and the instructor.
The topics below discuss some of the ways you can stay connected to students, create a presence, and fulfill the federal RSI requirements. They also cover helpful methods for grading and best practices for teaching online.
Read through the overview below and then through the pages that follow for more in depth information and help.
Is My Course Ready?
Review the page linked above for detailed recommendations.
- Complete a final review or your course before it begins using the Start of the Semester Canvas Checklist
- Ever wonder what your class looks like to students? Use the Student View in Canvas to review the course from a student perspective.
How Can I Connect and Engage with Students (and meet RSI Requirements)?
Review the page linked above for detailed recommendations.
- Stay connected with students throughout the semester by planning opportunities to engage with them online and communicate with them throughout the semester
- Create a plan to meet at least two of the federal Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) requirements
- The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences teaching expectations for online instructors include:
- Posting Announcements
- Engaging in Discussions
- Providing Frequent Communication and Feedback
- Reaching Out to Students
- Offering Online Meetings and Office Hours
What are the Best Methods for Grading and Feedback (and ways to make it easier)?
Review the page linked above for detailed recommendations.
- Timely grading and substantive feedback are extremely important to online students
- Turnaround time for grading should be a maximum of 3-5 days for shorter assignments and 5-9 days for medium to longer assignments (for a 16 week semester)
- Use SpeedGrader, Hide/Post grades, and Message Students to help with grading
- Always use zeroes ("0") in the gradebook when students don’t turn something in or it won’t count against them in the final grade calculation.
- The gradebook is set up through the assignments area where you can also add assignment groups, weight your gradebook, and set rules for dropping specific grades
How Can I Improve and Prepare my Course for Next Time?
Review the page linked above for detailed recommendations.
- Use the Course Import tool in Canvas to copy a course from semester to semester
- Use feedback from your OU evaluation or an evaluation you have created to improve and update your course
- Fully review and reevaluate your course every 2-3 years to stay up on current best practices and college requirements and recommendations
>> After reading this overview click through the more detailed pages that follow. (Click the images above or the links in the text---You can also click the "Next" button below.)