Adding a TA or Instructor to a Course
Adding a TA or Instructor to a Course
⛔️❗️ Please DO NOT try adding someone with their Email Alias address. It may not work. The reason is a lot of people don't add their email alias to Canvas so adding them this way looks like it works, but it doesn’t. Use one of the two methods below.
Are you adding someone to an old Canvas course (from a previous semester)? If so, you'll also need to read the trick below in order to access the +People button (marked with ⚠️).
Pick ONE of these two methods:
➜ OPTION 1: Add someone using their 4x4:
- From the People tool (in the left navigation), click the +People button
➜ if you don't have access to the +People button see the trick mentioned below ⚠️ - Change the “Add user(s) by” to Login ID
- In the Login ID field, enter the person's 4x4
- Change the role to whatever is appropriate
- Click Next
- Verify the person is correct
- Click “Add Users” to complete their enrollment
➜ OPTION 2: Add someone using their OU ID number (9 digit 112XXXXXXX or 113XXXXXXX):
- From the People tool (in the left navigation), click the +People button
➜ if you don't have access to the +People button see the trick mentioned below ⚠️ - Change the “Add user(s) by” to SIS ID
- In the SIS ID field, enter the person's 9 digit OU ID number
- Change the role to whatever is appropriate
- Click Next
- Verify the person is correct
- Click “Add Users” to complete their enrollment
If you are trying to add someone to a course that has closed, you won’t have access to the +People button on the People page. You can gain access to this tool by changing the course ending date temporarily. In order to do this follow the instructions below:
- First, you will need to go to the course settings and change the “Participation” field from “Term” to “Course” (if it's not already on "Course").
- Next, change the End date of the course to something that includes today’s date or a date in the future (the easiest option is to change just the year --- EXAMPLE: change Jan 1, 2023 6:00pm to Jan 1, 2053 6:00pm).
- Next, scroll down & click Save or Update Course Details at the bottom of the page.
- Once you have changed the course end date, you will regain access to the +People feature on the People page in the course. At this point, go to the People page and add the person (following the steps in Option 1 or 2 above).
- AFTER you have added someone to the class, go back to Settings and change the ending date of the course back to the original one so that past students can't access the course.
Observers: Can see course content, assignments, discussions (including posts), and announcements. They cannot submit anything to the assignments nor post to the discussions. They also can’t see grades or people.