Lesson 3.4 Discussion: Recovery and Restoration in Northern Uganda
- Due No Due Date
- Points 15
- Submitting a discussion post
In Progress: Northern Uganda's Recovery and Restoration
The material for this lesson highlights five specific recovery efforts by five different organizations/institutions that remain actively involved in post-conflict Northern Uganda: 1) St. Monica’s School for Girls in Gulu, Uganda, 2) the Restore Leadership Academy in Northern Uganda, 3) the Women’s Advocacy Network, 4) the Justice and Reconciliation Project, and finally 5) the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Peace and Development.
Review the materials, the websites, the videos, and the work of each of these entities then answer the following questions:
- What is the mission of the Justice and Reconciliation Project? Review their blog (on the home page) and describe some of their most recent efforts and initiatives.
- Read at least two of the “latest updates from the Women’s Advocacy Network” in Uganda on their webpage. Summarize their current efforts in Northern Uganda.
- Choose one of the remaining three organizations described in this lesson’s materials (NOT the JRP or the WAN since the first two questions cover these organizations). Summarize their efforts in Northern Uganda and be sure to include the following:
- How the organization came to be involved in Northern Uganda.
- How the organization is funded and sustained.
- Who are the major stakeholders in the organization’s efforts?
- What are the goals of the organization’s efforts?
- You will graduate very soon. Given the theme of your major coursework here at OU (and perhaps other institutions), how could your degree prepare you for participation in recovery and restoration of a nation like Uganda in such a post-conflict era?
Responses to Peers:
After you have posted your response to this Discussion, respond to the posts of two (2) of your peers. Focus each response on your peer's discussion about what it takes for a country to recover from collapse. In your opinion, what information would have strengthened your peer's position to the question?
(Note..."I agree" and "I disagree" are not acceptable responses. Explain why you agree or disagree with your peers' responses.)
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