Peer Reviews
Peer Reviews
A peer review assignment enables students to provide feedback on another student's assignment submission. This can be a paper, text submission, image, or video.
- Students don’t see anyone else’s peer review (except the ones done for their submission)
- Students are assigned a specific paper, video, image, etc to review by Canvas
- Can be anonymous
- A Canvas rubric can be used by students to complete the review, but it doesn't show up in SpeedGrade when the instructor is grading
- Peer reviewers are reliant on a particular student(s) to “turn in their assignment” and to turn it in on time.
- The exchange is limited to one-to-one (others won’t see comments)
- Students do not receive a grade for completing a peer review in the assignment itself (if you want to assign extra points for peer reviews, you can create a No Submission assignment in the Gradebook and assign points manually)
- Annotated feedback is not available for anonymous peer reviews or for text box submissions
- Students can't reply to other students' peer review comments
- Peer reviews are assigned on a specific day and it applies to everyone (so students can’t do their peer review as soon as the student they are reviewing posts)
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Provide students with the following guides:
- How do I know if I have a peer review assignment to complete? Links to an external site.
- How do I submit a peer review to an assignment? Links to an external site.
- Where can I find my peers’ feedback for peer reviewed assignments? Links to an external site.
A peer review discussion enables students to provide feedback on another student's replies to a class discussion. The intention is for them to evaluate all of the student's posts in the discussions including replies they make to other students.
- Students don’t see other's peer reviews (except the ones done for their submission), but they still see all the public posts on the discussion boards
- Students are assigned a specific person by Canvas who they are to review and comment on their posts
- Can be anonymous using the anonymous setting for the whole discussion (i.e., the whole discussion will have to be anonymous)
- A Canvas rubric can be used by students to complete the review, but it doesn't show up in SpeedGrade when the instructor is grading
- Students do not receive a grade for completing a peer review in the assignment itself (if you want to assign extra points for peer reviews, you can create a No Submission assignment in the Gradebook and assign points manually)
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Provide students with the following guides:
- How do I know if I have a peer review discusion to complete? Links to an external site.
- How do I submit a peer review to an discussion? Links to an external site.
- Where can I find my peers’ feedback for peer reviewed discussions? Links to an external site.
DISCUSSION PEER REVIEW (not using the Peer review Tool)
Another way to do peer reviews with videos is to have students post the video to a discussion board. All the students can see each of the videos posted. Student reviews/comments are posted directly on the discussion board so everyone can see. Students can either choose which video they want to comment on or videos can be assigned (you can also limit how many people are allowed to comment on each video).
Here’s an example: Example Student Presentation Discussion
- Students are able to see all the videos posted and learn from them
- Students can pick which video they want to watch or you can assign them
- Students don’t have to wait on a specific student to post their video, they can comment as soon as other students start posting videos in the discussion board (they also don’t have to wait on Canvas to release the peer reviews)
- Student comments can easily be included as part of the grade for the discussion (using SpeedGrader you can see all of the student’s comments and their original post)
- Students can reply to other students’ comments on their videos.
- Students can see all videos and comments (this is a pro and a con)